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CEE, not one of my favorite moments, growing up in Boston, but great photo and sigs!

Yeah Terrier...its kind of like that Johnny Damon Grand Slam in game 7 against the Yankees...I know the feeling....LOL

cant wait til thursday..get to meet my favvorite running back from the 70-80s....Tony Dorsett....got a great 11x15 photo of him to sign....it is him in his dark uniform so using my white sharpie paint will look awesome~~~~

cee gee...where on earth did steiner allow you to get a great deal...they usually robbing you and in this case its you turning the tables on them...excellent pick up...excellent pick up 

Hey John....many times when Steiner has in person signings they will have 2 or 3 guys at one sitting...if you get the 2 or the 3 guys they give you like a combo deal...getting guys individually is always a bit more expensive...every time they have multiple signers they make combo deals...and when there's more then one guy signing I always get all of the guys there no matter what...Steiner can bang you over the head but it seams always that there in person shows are far less cheaper then items there selling already signed...

here is a perfect example of that


Just finally got my feet wet with my first Rock auto...the great Roger Waters from Pink Floyd !!!!!!...Simply love it !!!!!

Dude! Welcome to rock and roll! I love it. A great sig to start with. Was he at Steiner? :)

Thanks Barry...I wish he was there...LOL...this is a auction purchase from Germany....I love it so much....I got to get this framed...I will be in touch next week bro...thanks for the kind words


That is a treasure!

Baba Booey! Baba Booey!  He was complaining on his book tour about people asking him to sign baseballs (because of his humiliating first pitch), and was refusing to sign them.  I couldn't go to the signing when he came to town but offered to pay my brother if he could get him to sign a baseball, really just expecting to hear him complain about more d-bags asking him to sign balls.  For whatever reason, he signed it for him, not signing his name but with a Baba Booey!

Got this Kevin Smith when I met him at his store in Red Bank in the 90s thought I lost it but I found it today! He was working stocking comics and chain smoking cigs lol He was really cool and signed this mallrats script for me I also purchased a Smith and Mewes signed Jay and Silent Bob Comic #1. I still go to the store now and again but I havent seen him there since lol  


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