The comic book industry is probably my area of expertise mainly because I get to work with a lot of the writers and artists every year to help raise money for the charity I work with named The Hero Initiative. I am on their Regional Board and what I do is handle setting up at conventions and recruiting volunteers to help run the tables and watching the lines and selling product. We have artists and writers drop by to do signings and sketches for donations.
But I also get to meet a lot of celebrities at these same conventions so it is all good. But I pay my own way and don't get reimbursed for any of my expenses.
Tags: book, comic, conventions
Got this comic signed while I was an intern at Todd McFarlane Productions in Tempe. During my senior year at ASU I worked under the Public Relations Director and after about a day or two when I heard that Todd was going to be in the office, I was certain to wear my Eric Desjardins Canadians jersey and bring this comic with me for him to sign. He was a cool dude. (and he loved the fact that an Arizona native was wearing a Canadians jersey).
Hi Chris
Comics is my other collecting passion. In fact, I am the president of the Comic Book Collecting Association (CBCA). We should get together and work on something jointly.
I love it when my hobbies intersect. I have bene getting comics and books signed for may years at comic cons. Unfortunately, the introduction of CGC Signature Series has made every other signature "suspect."
This is the crown jewel of my signed comics:
Here is a small sampling of some signed comics stuff... just what I happen to have in Photobucket at the moment.
Meeting and getting autographs from, Bob Kane, Gil Kane, Jerry Siegel, Stan Lee, Jack Kirby ( once he would only sign DC books ), Joe Simon, Jim Lee, Todd McFarlane, Silvestri, Eric Larsen,Neal Adams, Joe Staton, John Romita & JRJR, Robert Kirkman, Capullo, Art Adams, George Perez, George Tuska, and Hundreds more.
My favorite original art and comic pages that I have are from Mcfarlane, Both Romita's, Tuska, Jim Lee, Joe staton, Larsen, Ottley, Van Sciver and others.
comic conventions are a side hobby of mine even though I may get to go to one every few years. I was able to help as the comic guest coordinator for Adventure Con for 2 years. I made lasting friendships with many of today's top artists and writers.
That's not even mentioning the countless celebs I have met at these shows the best being Adam West and Burt Ward many times ( in 2007 Adam sang Happy Birthday to my son as only he can do ).
I'll try to post pics later.
Had a fantastic time this past weekend working with Hero Initiative at the HeroesCon show in Charlotte North Carolina. This is what I call a true comic convention mainly because no media guests and pretty much nothing from outside of the comic book industry is at this show.
Below you will see a picture of my volunteer crew with artist Karl Kesel and he was flown in by Hero Initiative to help raise money all weekend. Plus we had a large signing at the booth for our New Avengers 100 Covers book. We had Andy Smith, Roy Thomas, Alex Saviuk, Dave Johnson, Craig Rousseau, Chris Moreno and Stuart Saygar. Had several extra books signed plus had a few sketched. One of the books has two sketches and one has 3 and the last has 5.
Hope to meet some of you at conventions just look up the Hero Initiative booth. I will be attending the following shows WW Chicago (August), DragonCon (Labor Day Weekend) and New York Comic-Con October. The last one I will be doing an entire week in New York to celebrate my 50th birthday which is actually mid-September.
Posted by CJCollector on February 2, 2025 at 12:57pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted by CJCollector on February 1, 2025 at 4:30am 0 Comments 1 Like
Posted by CJCollector on January 31, 2025 at 4:47pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
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