Another Bogus Autograph on Reality TV:
Tonight on AUCTION KING, they had a poem written and signed by Jim Morrison. Seller wanted a thousand bucks. It sold for $2,000. Problem was...writing looked NOTHING like Morrison's. And neither did the signature, which was just slightly in his style.

The guy selling it said he lived in a storage locker when he was homeless for a month, and found it there -- and that he contacted Danny Sugarman (doors manager, longtime friend of band who has passed away)...and he had an "email" or something from him saying it was great, and best example he had ever seen. Obviously a bogus story as well.

Views: 1898

Comment by BallroomDays67 on October 18, 2011 at 11:05pm

I saw that silly episode. The writing and signature are indeed WAY off. I can't imagine that Danny would be fooled by such an obvious forgery, especially after reading the ridiculous poem...

To love me is love
Sing for
I want to hear me
Love is blind and saving time is care
Care for me

J Morrison

The only thing that made sense is the label on the crate in which he supposedly found it..."Junk."

Comment by Brick Hunter on October 19, 2011 at 6:26pm

I haven't seen the episode. I watched a few episode of Auction Kings, but ultimately, the fact that the appraiser's values weren't reached and the indifference of the staff there made me turn it off. About a dozen items were appraised at $30,000 and the guys at Auction Kings got a little over $5,000 for it. They sold it all in pieces. Why don't they have a conscience to pull the stuff when they're getting literally a fraction of the appraised value?

This sounds like another example of these shows, buying and selling memorabilia, being fast and loose with the actual authenticity of the item.

Comment by Steve Zarelli on October 20, 2011 at 10:39am

I saw this episode and was wondering if this was real. I have no knowledge of Morrison's autograph.

Gallery 63 appears to want to do their due diligence and offer authentic material, but this is a case where you need to pull in an expert. The employee (Jon) checking scans on the Internet is not sufficient as he is not qualified. Sometimes they call in an outside expert, not sure why they didn't in this case.

Comment by BallroomDays67 on October 20, 2011 at 11:17am

Here's a link to a couple of the segments involving the "signed poem." Unfortunately, it doesn't include one in which the employee supposedly attempts to authenticate it.

Comment by Steven Jackson on October 20, 2011 at 2:19pm

heres a link to the full episode

i agree they should have done more work on it but, they are a busy place and did trust the email. to lay people they just trust what an expert says and can understand them trusting there manager on this one

Comment by Steve on October 21, 2011 at 7:01pm

I have seen many episodes of this show and whenever they get a signature, they want to authenticate it.  They always bring it to an expert.  Now, her they have a very expensive signature and who do they give it to, their employee who has absolutely no background or experience in autographs of any kind.  The employee claims it looks just like other signatures he has located online and the one they pull off the internet, looks nothing like the one he is holding.  The one from the internet looks good, the one he is holding looks pretty bad with virtually no similar characteristics.  How they passed this along as good is beyond me.

Comment by Chad B on June 29, 2012 at 6:52am

I enjoy this show and the new Final Offer show on after it on Thursday nights. The Morrison was horrible and they also sold a bad McCartney. The McCartney was only flashed briefly on a red (I believe) guitar and it was obviously bad. The people were so excited to overpay for a forgery.

I plan on writing to them today. I thought I would check here first to see what others had to say.


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