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Thank you, President Biden, for your 52 Years of Service to all Americans.

Whenever I am asked to name my favorite autograph in my autograph collection, I always answer that it is my Alfred Hitchcock autograph.  That has been my standard answer for many years.  There are, however, autographs in my autograph collection that I consider to be personal favorites, even though many autograph collectors may consider them to be unremarkable.  Regardless, I would never want to be without them.

The best example of an autograph in my autograph collection that is a personal favorite, even though many autograph collectors may consider it to be unremarkable, is my Steven Spielberg autographed E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial photo.  The autograph is neither rare nor valuable to many autograph collectors.  Those considerations mean absolutely nothing to me.  I would never wish to part with it.

My Steven Spielberg autographed E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial photo is a personal favorite autograph in my autograph collection, despite it being considered neither rare nor valuable by many autograph collectors.

I love the cropping of the 8x10 photo, as well as the boldness and the placement of the autograph.  I also love the way that the blue Sharpie presents itself on the image.  The autograph is a personal favorite autograph in my autograph collection for those reasons, as well as the simple fact that Steven Spielberg is my favorite director of all time, and E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial is my favorite Steven Spielberg film.  I absolutely love the autograph.

As autograph collectors, we often become concerned with unnecessary considerations that distract us from the enjoyment of the hobby.  Do you have a personal favorite autograph in your autograph collection that many autograph collectors may consider to be unremarkable?  If so, what is it?

Views: 453

Comment by Brian on January 18, 2022 at 4:49am

love it buddy!! i couldn’t agree more with your post. cheers!!

Comment by Joe W. on January 18, 2022 at 5:53am

Here is my sentimental favorite. It is a signature of Nigel Patrick matted with a photo of him in character as Professor Jerusalem Webster Stiles from the 1957 movie Raintree County. 

Long story short is that the signatures were obtained by my grandfather during the filming of the movie near Lexington, KY. He took my very young uncle with him armed with an album book to get as many signatures as possible. Took many candid photos as well. When my mother passed away I inherited the book. I never knew the book existed before it was given to me.

The book also contained many of the other better known stars including Elizabeth Taylor, Eva Marie Saint, Rod Taylor, and Agnes Moorehead. It even contained a photo of Elizabeth Taylor sitting next to my uncle during a break during the filming.

I guess autograph collecting started in my family well before the day I was born!

Comment by Mike Shepherd on January 18, 2022 at 9:18am

Thanks for the comment, Brian.  I am glad that you liked it!

Comment by Mike Shepherd on January 18, 2022 at 9:19am

That is a great story, Joe W.  Thanks for sharing!

Comment by BC on January 21, 2022 at 11:40pm

I don't think I could pick a favorite. I have some cool pieces that I got in person and many more I got TTM that are special.

Comment by Mike Shepherd on January 22, 2022 at 5:44am

Would you be willing to name a few names, BC?  I am curious.

Comment by Eddy on January 24, 2022 at 6:16pm

This is a great topic.  Sometimes a piece will mean the world to you but, in the eyes of the "collecting world", it's not considered any great shakes.  

A sentimental favorite for me is this album page signed by Bing Crosby on one side and Bob Hope on the other.  After being paired for years in the ROAD films for Paramount, countless shared radio and t.v. shows, benefits during and after WWII, celebrity golf tournaments, etc. etc. one would think joint signed pieces from Bing and Bob might be out there.  For many years I've kept my eyes opened for anything signed by the two of them with no luck (besides some eBay phony stuff).

I finally located a single album page from the 1950's.   Even though they did sign individually on either side of this page, it's still both of them on one piece.  Neither Bob nor Bing are high price autograph names today, but for me this is a gem that I've looked for on and off for a couple of decades!

Comment by Mike Shepherd on January 25, 2022 at 2:56am

Very nice, Etienne!

Comment by rob kunne on January 25, 2022 at 9:01am

Comment by rob kunne on January 25, 2022 at 9:04am

i have to many to show because my house is like a museum but this all pacino is one of my favorites and from the private signing with celebrity authentics. i did frame this 11x14 photo and disigned the engraved plaque. it's hanging on the left of my tv and see it every day and love it so much,


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