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Thank you, President Biden, for your 52 Years of Service to all Americans.

The Greatest Gift A Father Can Have.


The Greatest Gift A Father Can Have.

Happy Father's Day Everyone on AML!! Just wanted to share with everyone here a letter my son wrote for me on Father's Day a few years ago.

Dear Papa,

Where do I begin?? First and foremost I would like to thank you for being an awesome father. You're funny, kind, cool and is a part of my everyday life. Without you, I would not be in Tae Kwon Do and I would have not been introduced to soccer. My life would be pretty much be the dullest thing ever if you were not a part of it. So thank you. Not only have you touched my life but you have made all of my friends lives better. They are always asking me how you are doing and telling me how jealous they are that I have such a hip and cool dad. And I respond with " you should be jealous." Because out of all the adults I know, you are definitely one of the coolest. Who else would play soccer with kids in high school and go paintballing just for fun?? Not only you are cool, but you are patience and wise. Every time I mess up, you give me mercy and forgiveness although half the time I do not deserve it. Thank you for being there when I need someone to talk to because honestly sometimes I have no one else to go to. You are the best father that I could ask for, scratch that, you are the best Papa period. No matter how many times you correct my spelling or gets on my nerves, there is no one else that I can see and yet still get along with. I hope that in the years to come, I can live up to the family name and make you proud of me as I of you. I love you more than you would ever know!!

Your Forever Grateful Son,

Views: 198

Comment by Brian M. Wazac on June 16, 2013 at 12:49pm

Happy Fathers Day Y'all!


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