Just wondering if anyone has checked out the revamped (as of today) rrauction.com site. It appears that you are no longer able to view past auctions? Entering a name into the search only seems to bring up any present auctions. Am I missing something here? Thanks!
I think you have to sign in to look up past auctions.
It fabulous! You can now see all images and prices at once and then additional details! Just unclick "Exclude Closed Lots"! No need to sign in. Thank you R&R!
The items appear to be listed older to newest.
some of the information is wrong and some lots have the wrong sold price or a zero sold price etc and its a bit fiddly not as easy to find past auctions but i suppose they will sort it in time as it appears to be updating all the time
I took a look and think it is still being tweaked. I believe it will be very nice when completed.
i agree.
I to have to agree, seems all websites these days feel this kind of set up .......improves client base.....wake up... if a client doesn't like it he will abandoned the site in less than a minute....why fix it, if it isn't broke...I have already forgot my password for this new site, as I had to re-join my membership, cannot be bothered to go through the rigmarole of chasing up the password...enough said
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