Looking for some feedback for authenticity on these crew signatures.  I bought two old trunks at a yard sale that the owner said had been in the attic for the star wars figures and ships and found these in the trunk as well.

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Welcome, Andrew!

Search for Steve Zarelli under members and ask him if he wouldn't mind looking at it in comments on his page and post a link to this discussion.


Obviously, Steve Zarelli is the man to ask here. I thought I would take a stab and try the Armstrong though. From this page, Astronaut Autopen Guide, I made the following overlay showing your example and one from the linked page - it appears "Autopen Pattern 4":

Thanks for your help! I have asked Steve to take a look at these.

My pleasure (I wish the outcome were different of course). Steve has a universe of skill...skillS...in these areas.

Unfortunately, they are all autopen signatures. You can find all of them on http://www.astroautopens.com.

The other way to tell is the hard stops at the end of each pen stroke. It creates a blob of ink where the pen stops and lifts off the paper. That telltale blob is visible in all the autographs of the scans you provided.

Other ways to identify autopen signatures is by the lack of variation in the width of the pen strokes and the often jittery appearance of the pen strokes.
Oh, and yes, Steve Zarelli is the gold standard when it comes to space and aviation autograph authentication. I just got back two items I sent him this week, in fact. He's as professional and qualified as they come, and always a pleasure to deal with.

I can't add much except to say, yep... these are Autopens.

That said, Autopen signed crew photos are considered NASA memorabilia. These have some value in that regard. I've seen the A-11 crew autopen sell for $50+

Interesting, Steve. I've heard that some autopen lithos can maintain some value, but not being a collector of them, I've never paid attention to how much. I'm surprised that the A11 one would go that high. Any idea on the value of the A8 autopen litho?

You might get $25 for a typical crew autopen. The A-8 is faded pretty bad though... not much value there.

Bear in mind, when someone passes away, they destroy the templates and no longer issue the Autopen. So they become limited.

Thank You Gentlemen for taking the time to look at these at give me your feedback.  When researching, I knew it would be a longshot to have the real signatures but I will just keep these and pass them along to my son.


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