Any thoughts on these signed CD's off eBay?

Tags: 03855, 84205494, A71878, A71907, A71908, A78561, AE01730, AE01731, AE01732, AE01733, More…AE01829, AG03423, AH02231, AH02232, AH02234, BB19004, BB41712, BB84316, Iconic, Mccartney, Philfatt0, Ringo, XX19938, XX19939, a-cheerful-fellow, advancedbuyersmarkets, allthingsthatrock, anappy86, autographbay, autographs_for_sale, bajag, beatles, beatletone, charlifusar_0, derfknew, handsignedautographs, kellya44, livehorn, markutpremiersignaturesfl, nrs861, presspasscollectibles, richan_9623, seltaeb1966, signatureinvestments, templeofgreatness, thebeatlesforever

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No problem. I appreciate it, but certainly don’t think of myself as being an “even you.” I have spent quite a bit of time on this issue though.

Understood once again I didn’t mean it like it sounded, also I consider myself pretty decent at spotting real or fake on a few celebs but lol (even I ) get thing wrong from time to time, 

All good thanks for understanding,  

Quite the moral dilemma. Here is where a person's individual judgement comes into play. For instance, I started a discussion concerning a Stevie Nicks signed photo recently that attracted a lot of responses. Most of them negative. It's from a good seller and I also have advanced Nicks collectors who believe it's genuine. I did not name them because Nicks specific collectors know each other well and I don't want to create drama in the group.

I have sent this signed photo to Bickett for a full authentication with an agreement with the seller if it fails I return it. If it passes it's mine. I haven't gotten it back from Bickett yet so who knows what they will determine.

But, if it passes and I get their LOA, I will then decide what to do. I'm not sure at this point what that will be. I will cross that bridge when I get there. Nobody likes to be in those shoes(especially me!). 

With that said, if someone notices an autograph I own and has concerns I WANT them to alert me. I do seek the truth. Winning is getting it right!

I am seriously having a hard time watching a few on this discussion saying if they know about a problem, but they have a COA, they'd look the other way and sell it anyway.  To me your as bad as the forger then. 

That's an opinion I've had for a long time - and has nothing to do with this discussion, but from people in the MJ community who found out, they bought a bunch of Jason Makris forgeries and they still peddle them to try to recoup.  To me if that person knows he has a forgery even with that shiny coa and sells it anyway.... its a shi##y thing to do to someone else.  Chalk it up that you got burned, or go back to the person you got it from if you can, but don't sell off something that is potentially a problem.

Its called morals.  This forum is here to help people.  Not to advise peoplel to pass the buck on a potential issue just because someone may have not caught an issue happening.


That’s the point how can we tell it’s  a forgery? Not all of us are experts in every category, sometimes we rely on TPA for opinions, 

In other words it’s hard for some of us to tell if something is authentic vs forgery, that’s why some of us rely on them the TPA  to be the deciding factor, I know it’s best to do your own research and knowledge is and should be the only factor in future purchases but that takes time and patience and other factors as well, but we all we get there hopefully one day soon so we can make our own judgments on  the  authenticity and not have to rely on TPAs as much,

If a collector buys a graph and puts his faith in that tpa/ dealer and a problem arises then he should contact that person for an updated opinion and if their still fine with the graph then take the fight up with them after all the collector is at the bottom of the food chain they haven't made money from the commission and blatantly yes selling forgeries is wrong but it goes on privately with members here and other places. To me the issue lies with the tpa .

It’s kinda confusing to me that perry and frank both apparently authenticated the item and some if not most of the memebers here says it’s fake, I understand everyone is  entitled to their opinion especially when the memeber  ask for opinions, but my point was  maybe it is authentic and some of us are wrong,  I may have taken the long route in expressing my opinion earlier but that’s all I meant.

Beckett rejected the two Maccas that were sent for signature review, and now one of the Ringos as well. I don’t think that’s a coincidence.

"To me your as bad as the forger then."

Just curious. How does selling an autograph that has TPA certification qualify the seller as being as bad as the forger? Won't that also make the TPA as bad as the forger as well?

No one here advocated selling known fakes as being acceptable. But the world is not simply black or white. There are many other shades as well.

Joe, I believe the sentiment applies to sellers know or suspect that their item is a forgery, but if it has a LOA they still feel its ok to sell.

Everyone has to live with their own decisions and conscience.  For me, I don't care who "blessed" and item, if I did not believe in its authenticity, I would not sell it.  Sometimes we buy things that appear ok, but down the road we learn they are not.  But if it has a LOA, some sellers still believe it is ethical to sell it.


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