Hi all,

I recently bought a copy of Low, and to my surprise when I got home to play it there was a signature on the vinyl label. To my uneducated eye, it looks like a "Bo" signature from around the 1995-2005 era. 

This is truly an odd spot for a musician to sign - I've never seen anything like it. It also has the interesting quirk of the signee having to avoid the punch hole and perforation in the middle of the label. I know Bowie was left handed and his signature tended to slant downward from left-right, but the hole would have compromised his ability to do that, forcing him upward. 

Attached is a photo. Any of your thoughts are appreciated!!


Tags: Bowie

Views: 244

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Forgery 100% sorry. Poor one at that.

You want to see this:

These are mine:

This one is very nice Eric! I guess it is new one you talked about. Congrats!

Thank you Sara :) It is a great song too!

Thanks very much for letting me know!! All the best everyone. 

Eric is the expert here on Bowie, and I have to agree,  not signed by David. Still, a great album! 

MarkG is The Diamond Dog in this oxygen tent, Eric is just a feisty pup ;)

Hi, this is not real for sure. :-)

yikes that's bad

Awww...thanks Eric.

Well as everyone has correctly confirmed it is not a genuine Bowie. The sad thing is, it has actually devalued that great LP as it has defaced it (same as someone putting their own name or initials on a record). 



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