
I have been offered this Houdini signed cut out. It comes with no paperwork/other etc. 

I would appreciate members help and input as to whether it's probable or as I suspect a secretarial/other. It is written using a fountain pen.



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Can you post a decent image? Neither of thses lend themselves ro examination apart from form, and that only the second image.

Hi Mark,

From what I can see, this does not look right.

His signature varied somewhat over the decades, but this

looks very atypical.

Is it a reputable dealer who has offered it?  Someone who has

experience with Houdini?

Here is a close up of the signature. 

It comes from a private buyer who bought it at auction a few years back for $950usd. He  has no expertise with HH etc.

I find it odd but as already pointed out his signature varied. It looks drawn and shaky on the 'Y'. 


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No, it doesn't seem right at all.  The fact that it's a cut signature with no context or inscription is an issue.

See what others say.


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