FOR SALE: Bruce Springsteen Signed Born in the USA Album from RR Auction. Opinions Sought.

I have

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New members must wait 2 months before buying or selling.

Be sure to state your return policy - 6 months for any reason is acceptable.

Be sure to state PP payment accepted only without using Friends and Family.

Please await some opinions from members as your cert is 9 years old.

Be sure to show large images of front and back.

Please describe condition of the item.

Are you the original owner? Make sure the buyer understands the certificate is non-transferable.

Please refrain from selling items from recently deceased signers.

Any certificates must be shown.

Quick Opinions may not be used to assist a sale.

Thank you.


If everyone adheres to these rules the BST Forum will reopen.

NOTE: All transactions are between buyer and seller - Autograph Live is not involved in any way beyond setting the rules noted to protect our members.

I am going to make a brief comment on the potential BST Forum. Since you have the statement that "Autograph Live is not involved in any way", why so many rules? Why not simply have a small committee of experienced members review a listing before it goes live? If authenticity is questioned then the item should not be allowed.

I think the seller and potential buyer can work out the details. Just my humble thoughts.

For the protection of the buyer and seller. New members often get multiple offers of material at inflated prices for one. It happened to me and I have heard the same from many other members. A new member can't just join and start listing items for sale - members who wish to utilize the BST Forum must be active contributing members - hence the 2 month waiting period. The idea of a committee would be very useful - previously the self policing was unsuccessful - that is essentially why BST was shut down - folks were not following the rules set down to protect both parties. Any volunteers to look after the BST Forum?

Rest assured I am trying to do my best on my own, with Steve's valued guidance, with regard to the structure and workings of the BST, which many would like to see return.

AML is not involved - beyond the rules set down to help keep things above board and smooth. 

Signed Bruce Springsteen Born in the USA album.  The album jacket is in excellent condition, the signature is beautiful, and the record is also included.  Purchased by me from RR Auctions in 2012 and also approved by Roger Epperson.  I am asking $899 or best offer.  Payment to me made via PayPal (no friends and family).  Buyer pays shipping and PayPal fees.  Return policy-will accept return if Roger or RR Auctions claim not authentic.  The certificate from RR is non transferable.

Thank you Steve. Perfect. Good luck! 

PS - Please show the Epperson papers.

The Epperson is a Quick Opinion and may not be used to facilitate a sale.

Why is the RR LOA not transferable?   Never heard of that before. 

It is in their Terms as in many auction Terms.

"...13.4 All lots sold by RR Auction are accompanied by an Auction Certificate (“AC”).  On any lot presented with an AC issued by RR Auction, the certification is only as to its attribution to the person or entity described or to the lot’s usage and only as explicitly stated therein (the  “AC”), to the exclusion of any other warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to those pursuant to the Uniform Commercial Code. The AC inures only to the original Bidder (as shown in RR Auction’s records).  Bidder may not transfer, assign, or otherwise convey the AC and such purported transfer, assignment, or conveyance shall be null and void...."

The rule is 6 months return for any reason, not an opposite judgement from the two entities that approved it with a cert and a QO that can't be used to facilitate a sale in the first place. Sorry I missed this earlier.

Rules must be adhered to w/o modification or the BST will unfortunately remain closed.

Please note that I asked Roger Epperson for a quick opinion and he said it was good.  I did not send it in to him.  We had a discussion on this site as a few people were thrown off by the S.  Everything else looked spot on though.

This is an excellent example of how to post for sale. If there is interest, the BST Forum will reopen.

This thread would benefit from additional opinions on the signature as the RR certificate is 9 years old.

PS - Suggestions or additions to the new rules (above) much appreciated.


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