Hey there,

what are your opinions on these four autographs?

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I don’t like the Brian and John. They also look printed too.

Roger and Freddie’s are nice but again double check they are not prints. 

What is the value of this set if I may ask you?

I would only offer to buy the Freddie and Roger, BUT, I would want to examine them out of the frames first to feel for live pen indentations.  

Pay by PayPal ‘Goods & Services’ if you can’t examine prior to buying.  If later found to be a print you have protection and recourse for a refund. 

Thanks mate for the advice. How much would you value the last one, signed by the two?

and I can pick these up 20km from my home, so no shipping but buying at someone’s house address.

I personally wouldn’t pay more than £150 as I prefer their earlier signatures.  There’s thousands out there so wouldn’t rush in. 

Freddie £1k+
Roger £50 

Is this your set? I feel like I’ve seen all 4 signatures before hence my reservations about some/all being prints.

Im thinking of buying this set from someone. 

he also wants to sell these two. 

They’re both ok. Rushed, recent examples, but fine. 

I'd send Innuendo a message asking them to take a look at these as they know Queen better than almost anyone on this site. 

How to reach them? Thanks for the advice

Got your friend request and answered you via pm, Melvin. Best wishes. 

You were right Dan, he helped me a lot. An expert. Thanks for the advice of getting in touch with Innuendo.


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