There was a recent discussion of a Lennon signature claimed to be from his appearance at radio station WFIL's Helping Hands Marathon in May, 1975. This prompted a suggestion that we should have a signature study of Lennon's sometimes difficult to authenticate post-Beatles signature. Some examples from this period are highly abbreviated.

I'd like to start by focusing on that May 1975 signing appearance with exemplars that are believed to be from that 3-day period. What would be particularly helpful would be examples from catalogs that go back a ways.

Here are a couple of WFIL signatures from Meet the Beatles For Real, one of which includes a doodle.

Here's a group of check signatures from 1970, sorted by date - April 8, June 3 (2), July 7, October 14, November 12 (3).

A few more from 1970:

Here are all of the examples I've seen that are known to be from 1973:

The abbreviated 1980 signature on copies of the Double Fantasy LP:

Tags: 1970s, Beatles, John, Lennon, WFIL

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Very cool

Very cool

Thanks. While not a Lennon here is my best vintage Bowie:

Click for full image.

Also here's one from 1977 that is sadly damaged and stained on the bottom.

While I'm thinking about it, here are my two Lennon's from early 1970.

This one is dated 8 February 1970. It was signed at or near the TV studios where John and Yoko appeared on the Simon Dee Show. It was obtained by the life-long in-person collector Laurie Butcher. The recording was made on 7 February and broadcast on 8 February. I'm not sure if Laurie got his dates muddled or if John and Yoko stayed near the studios overnight and Laurie saw them the next day.

This second one is from a legal document dated 24 March 1970 signed by John on behalf of Apple Corps. Limited.

Here’s mine from August 1,1973 to add to this great study!


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