Howdy Ladies, and Gentlemen,

I bought some autographs recently off eBay from a "collection."  I found a fake Montgomery Clift, and got a refund.

If you would be so kind, I need some opinions on this "Bette Davis."



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I charge to authenticate this name so I am limited to what I can say. I...would repeat the Monty Clift endgame.

Hi Eric,

I compared the signature I have to a number of her authentic signatures.  I'm persuaded it's a fake.

Davis usually loops the bottom of her "D" in Davis.  Plus, she usually  started her "a" as a continuous line from the bottom of the "D."  The "a" on my signature is started at the top of the a.  I saw no examples of her authentic signature where she started her "a" from the top.

That's not to say that she sometimes might have started it from the top.  But the irregularity deviates from the majority of her signatures.  It's a flag I noticed.  I found a few more glaring irregularities also.  Consequently, I have requested a refund.  The seller said he'd refund my money.

Also, I brought the "Montgomery Clift" signature to his attention.   He refunded the money on that one as well.

Thanks for your input.  I greatly appreciate it.


Mike - I think you made a wise decision to get your money back on this one (and the Clift that was discussed earlier).  This one is closer...but not quite there in my opinion.  Davis is a fairly easy one to authenticate.  The vintage ones are more rare & the trickiest....but still pretty manageable to spot secretarials with those as well.

As a diversion, I follow the vintage film autograph market fairly close, mostly on eBay but also some of the auction houses and dealers I have come to trust.  I've noticed that there seems to be an uptick in these dubious "collections" that are surfacing. 

p.s. On the plus side, it sounds like you are getting into researching signatures.  That's cool!

Hi Etienne,

I've been burned a few times to many by my own naivety.  I'm learning.  I have some of the most expensive birdcage liner on Earth.  The forgers have so many tricks.  It can be a dirty racket.

That ok.  I'm learning.  I guess the "Collections" are the latest rouse, I suppose. I didn't get burned on these.  I got a refund!

I like the vintage Hollywood autographs alot myself.  I have some really nice ones.  Occasionally I see these "bargains."  And sometimes I'm a sucker, and I bite.

I've exposed quite a few frauds on eBay.  I fight to get my money back.  I don't like crooks taking advantage of hardworking, unsuspecting people.  If I can clear em out, I do. So far, I've had pretty good success.  Not bragging, I just don't like crooks.

I admire, respect, and even love a lot of the great movie stars that have given me, and so many others so many years of wonderful experiences.  I really frown on those who seek to demean the hard work, and sacrifice they endured to bring us all such timeless treasures.

I know I still have a lot to learn.  But I think it's very important to preserve their legacies.  It's part of our collective history.  And those people are very big parts of my History.


Patrick Michael Bratcher. 

Well said!  Sounds like you are enjoying the hobby.  When I started out collecting, I was burned left and right.  That was before the availability of the internet and all of the possibilities for online study and comparison.  I learned some hard lessons but the positives have outweighed that rock start.

Hi Etienne,

I was incredibly lucky to find this vintage still to go with my C. 1965 autograph! 

Click on both for huge images:

Very nice, Eric!  I definitely have a soft spot for Vincent.  Besides loving him on the screen, he was born and raised in St. Louis (my big city hometown).   He's still remembered with pride hereabouts.



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