Credit to crazyrabbits23 for the find but this needs its own post, I almost missed it in the upcoming releases thread

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Thank you, Mark!

US/CAN/UK Book Tour Dates announced: for November/December

Geddy Lee Book Tour |

Same as Will Smith.. why wouldn't the signed books go to the people paying this premium? Why is it better for autographed books to sell out as a pre-sale online? Im not complaining as I still have my order secured. Just curious what their thought process is. Id think there would be more "buzz" if people were excited to go to the show AND get an autograph. Im not a book collector though, just an autograph collector, which is probably why it seems strange to me as a marketing decision.

It's Bono/the Surrender tour all over again. And that's coming from someone who managed to snag one of the Indigo books -- I don't like that kind of elitism where the promoter jacks up the ticket prices and doesn't factor in signing(s) to the equation.

Not that I expect Geddy to sit in the mezzanine of Massey Hall for two hours signing books, but I think this could have been handled better.

The only neat part of the tour is that some ticket proceeds go to support the Neil Peart Fund at Lakeside Park up near me in St. Catherines.

I have no interest in Geddy Lee, but, from the description I’ve read, his forthcoming book tour doesn’t seem a fair comparison with Bono’s Surrender tour.  Lee is planning a much more traditional live reading/interview/Q&A scenario.  Bono’s tour was more like a solo gig, with plenty of live music interwoven with dramatic scenes from his life.

I am a casual U2 fan at best, but my girlfriend was a big fan in her youth, so I surprised her with two tickets for the Manchester show.  We were in the front few rows, and it was a fantastic experience.  Pricey, yes, but not out of line with current ticket prices for an artist of his stature in a venue of that size.

If Geddy Lee has something similar up his sleeve, then I’ll hold my hands up, but everything points toward his appearances being much more prosaic.

Hi, can anybody help to find a signed version of the book please to the UK?

Kind Regards,


Anybody else have a bad feeling that Indigo is going to cancel orders and they oversold? Hopefully I’m wrong!

yeah been getting nervous and hoping I see them charge me soon. I've gotten some really good stuff from them but also had stuff canceled quite a few times too

Yep, my order also hasn't been charged since April of this year. Really hoping I scored this book since Rush is one of my all time favorite bands. They got me through so much turmoil, and I never got to see them live... R.I.P Neil Peart

Just received an email confirmation from Indigo an hour ago that my signed copy has shipped. 

Now everyone gets to sweat until they get their order confirmation lol. Could you post what the last three numbers of your order were, interested to see if you are before or after me.

Just got charged via PayPal from indigo books. Also got email with shipping confirmation. 


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