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Garry King is well liked by some but I see a big problem with some of the items I see on his site.  I'm not referring to Kenny Baker and other small bits but rather the large $$ music items.

Dealers in the UK might not be aware of current music item that they offer for sale.  In another thread several autographs from Autografica were deemed fake.  The items were Clint Eastwood, Charlton Heston and Harrison Ford.

He might not know there is a problem. 

Tags: Charlton, Clint, Eastwood, Ford, Garry, Harrison, Heath, King, Ledger, Philippe, More…Ryan, heston

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I have  re read some of the posts and it wasnt easy to locate it, but i read in a post today......

I found it

It was left by DB , 9 hours ago approx midday GMT, he stated from an earlier thread that the dealer who supplied Garry King was in fact Dominic Manning

Also that the items Garry was selling that he bought were obtained 'In Person ' from Jackson whilst he was sitting in his limo

Hope that clears that one up

Gary, do reread my posts while paying particular attention to the wording. 

Sorry DB, you were repeating a thread by Garry

honestly the threads are all over and I got lost a bit

My apologies once again

Yes, the way these messages get posted is stupid. Way too hard to follow and far too easy to miss posts :(

correct mate

Jason was bamboozled earlier ! lol

I just wrote for over half an hour about this and lost everything. I'll address it in the morning.

I  ve done that before also Steve !

oops lol

Hi guys I thought I would give my 2 pence on this matter again.

So first let me say that I am an aftal dealer up to this point but no one speaks on my behalf , I joined an organization that promises to fight the scum and the basterds I hate the most in this world, And to be fair they did manage to do a lot of damage to a few , But the numbers are to great to say you have done the world a good.

For every 1 of us there must be 1000 of those ratts of the pig s*** society.

Now Gary Harvey was spot on in his last post , To be fair Gary King ha done a lot for the industry he is the only one the UK that goes around and does this education things showing the public how to avoid buying fakes how not to fall in the trap etc. He has helped many times and to be honest I have called him myself a few times to maybe help on a matter if he could as I know he will be at the other end of the call no mater what the day or time is.

Ok i know he is been shot at but once again lets not forget Gary King said straight away he bought those items he did not claim he obtained them, So he trusted some one like me an In Person so you cant knock him for that as Adrian used to have a good name up to this Jacko thing. Adrian over a decade ago was the guy people were talking about in the UK but that was over a decade ago .

Now the thing that I dont know why it was never mentioned till now is this, Why the hell did none of the In Persons from across the world reading this never came and said that at most times the graffers would hand in a stack of stuff to Alvaro and they would collect it the next day ? Could maybe alvaro signed the items or some one else ? It's possible why not ?

The problem here needs to be resolved asap as its taking a weird angle , I do hope Aftal make a statement in the next few days as this is now damaging people names for no reason at all.

Just because I am an Aftal dealer it dont mean I belong to some gentlemans club or gang or any other kind of baloney, I myself just like any other dealer is open to any discution or even attack and that comes with the bussiness we are in , But I will always stand tall and try and give the answer that is asked ..

I once again decided to talk on here because others are afraid there many that feel the same as I do but the problem is people are scared of coming on forums and they feel if they do they will get attacked , I have been on forums for a few good years as have helped and voiced my opinions on Acaf for many years.

I know that we all come one here for some kind of justice and we all want whats right , But FRIENDS Always remember good guys cant be swept with the same brush .

I know Gary King would tell you the same things as I have because I know what he is about , He also supports forums to a point were people want to educate the blind and want to take out the scum , But I think because he is an Aftal board member he is not allowed to come on here and discuss anything untill Aftal has finished with their investigation.

Lets all hope this is done asap as its becoming a circus.

I am not a preacher or a leader am just an IN PERSON collector/dealer doing it for over a decade am a slave to the game and wanted to share my thoughts.

I feel that no genuine dealer should feel threatened or scared by any kind of debate if he is clean !!

We leave in a cruel sad world were scum rules and we are forced to doubt everything and anyone.

All the best Jason Thanos

Thanks Jason and Gary for your honest and open input.

However (apart from the aforementioned) i will not be buying from any AFTAL accredited dealers until this is sorted out - I wonder how many others feel the same way?? and if they do how much (not just financially but also reputation/credability wise) the Aftal dealers and organisation are missing out on???

I mean what happened to their video evidence??

Are they just hoping that it will all go away???? 


i respect your opinion, and i just await a statement about these Jacksons

its unfair to allow people to guess if they are genuine or fake

Aftal please advise


DB- you picked the exact quotes I would have to illustrate how Gary King started covering his rear in regards to his material.

Jason- I love ya. I understand the pressures ofthe business. I also 1000% stand behind my statements. Something is "off" about Gary King's involvement. Is it the material? Is It the fact that he had several pieces that were questioned by A LOT of people, or is it the fact that Gary both sells his "opinion" of authentication ( I'm sure he has opined on a few MJ autographs in his time)?

Sometimes people ask questions that they already know the answer to. That being said, I ask again. Did Gary King opine on any other dealers items in any court cases while using material he bought from Adrian in his example collection? Was Jacko's signature a part of any discussion(s) related to any cases that pitted Gary's opinion against other dealers?

Rick & Michael also summed up my thoughts very well. There is something seriously troubling about the way this little band of collector's ( AFTAL ) management handled the MJ scenario. Add that to good "old fashioned" common sense and you simply have to question Gary King's role as an "Authenticator" especially when it comes to any court cases against other dealers who may have been offering the same type of material.

Unless I missed it, Gary K hasn't addressed the Paul McCartney signatures in his stock and that he sold that were in question. Adrian, since you are actually in the field obtaining signatures in-person, I trust your opinion on McCartney (especially modern variations) far more than anyone else. Do you think that all of the McCartney signatures stocked and sold by Gary King are authentic?

I forgot that people aren't supposed to question the antics of certain "anointed ones" how silly of us to do so.

That being said, my reply to Gary K and AFTAL is to ANSWER THE DAMN QUESTIONS! I don't expect an answer to my questions. However, you would think that this club would have the decency to either show the "proof" that they waved around or give the findings of their "official" inquiry.

I REALLY want to know if AFTAL stands behind the material sold by Adrian. I'm sure that they have all recovered from the "Greatest Olympics of all time" now, so where is their "official" statement?

@ Steve.....don't you want to know the answer anymore? I think that Roger and other members of this site will end up being validated.

To me, the AFTAL club management either protects or neglects dealers based on who they are, rather than what they sell.

Brandon no one said you guys dont make valid questions , Its fair play like I said we are shefs and we cook in a kitchen we cant complain when the oil starts jumping from the pan.

Just to clerify things a little more on the above post. I am sure Gary King never ever met Adrian I am also sure he has not bought anything from him direct if its only the Jackos so I hope this helps a little in that question at list.

I am sure Aftal will make a statement soon as I dont think one was made , I think ?


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