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On December 2, Julien's Auctions is selling The Collection of Tompkins and Bush. The collection contains 465 lots of Michael Jackson memorabilia, 287 of them autographed.

Michael Bush and the late Dennis Tompkins were Michael Jackson's costume designers for 25 years, during Jackson's most successful period. They were the consignors of the signed Thriller jacket that Julien's sold for $1,800,000 in June 2011.

Almost all of the autographs in the Tompkins and Bush sale are a variation I'm not familiar with. I've only been looking at Jackson's autograph for a few years, though, and we have members here who have collected him for decades, so I'd appreciate your input and exemplars.

If you know Michael Jackson's autograph well, please look at a few images below from the auction and let me know what you think. Even better, browse the auction and upload any similar examples you have: http://www.julienslive.com/view-auctions/catalog/id/77/

Julien's is the world's premier auction house for Michael Jackson memorabilia, so they would know his autograph better than most of us. I'm just surprised I haven't seen this style before.

Thanks for your help.

Tags: 2012, Julien's, auction, michael jackson, tompkins and bush

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Juliens do not have any such video, enough already!!  its not possible for so many sigs to be identical, some are dated 98. 91.90, Juliens need to stop putting up smoke screens and deal with the problem at hand, i am very tired of Darren and the way he conducts himself, any reputable business would have a in house authentication dept at the very least, this is after all a "Celebrity" auction. Juliens do not have a expert to back up their statements!!  

Thank you for directing the discussion back to facts.

Any local auction house in any small town across the globe will have an in-house signature authenticator. And this is one of the "top" auction houses in the world specializing in celebrity "merchandise". Yet somehow hundreds of mass produced "Michael Jackson signatures" are presented and advertised for sale by said "top" auction house - signatures that no one researched in Michael Jackson's authentic signature has ever seen him produce.



I disagree that any local auction house will have autograph authenticators. I don't know one that does. But Darren Julien knows how to authenticate autographs, so I'm especially disappointed in the way this has been handled.

Hi Steve,

Thanks, this is actually what I meant by the term autograph authenticators - exactly what you are stating.  That auctioneers and their staff are themselves "in house authenticators" by the very fact that they are immersed in the objects EVERYDAY.  You "clean houses" ...  you touch the objects ... you learn and KNOW the objects.

Just like anybody's profession, you become learned in your field of "expertise".

You are SO RIGHT Darren Julien knows how to authenticate autographs.

Hateful disparagement. Ignorance. OFF TOPIC.

First off- milk you refer to being propofol. Propofol is an anesthesia. There is no state under the influence of this drug. You are out cold when it hits your veins and awake when it stops. I dont want to get of topic, but it seems people always have to make a dig on Michael and things they know nothing about. 

Watch the 2001 signings at Virgin records. Michael was under the influence of most likely Demerol- the drug he used for pain. Still we have evidence of his signatures from that time and they looked fine. There is no way anyone can convince me the Juliens BT signatures are from a sleepy drugged state MJ. They still wouldnt change to that degree in my opinion even if true.

Don't know but that is the claim.  Can it be independently confirm or not - not by moi but it is now on record.  & until this post no mention of Miko and I find that quite odd, don't u?

I, too, have heard from someone in the inner circle that Miko did in fact sign on behalf of Michael at times. Can't say whether it's true or not and what that might look like if so, but I did hear it from a one-time close associate.

I don't know to what record you refer. The only person claiming this is you. Baselessly and repeatedly.

We are here for factual research and study of Michael Jackson's signature. Not to originate and/or repeat groundless rumor and gossip.

Ah, Wendy it is not I that has made any claims.  Perhaps you ought to go back and read the original statement and position that was made by Julians!'

And what information do you apparently have that would overrule Juliens statement of rumor and gossip?  Seems others here have indicated otherwise.


What statement has Julien's made? I am not aware of any. If Julien's is going to make a statement, they need to make it themselves, unless they have hired you as their spokesperson.

This was just what I meant about you being unwittingly used. Sometimes you interject yourself into discussions you know nothing about and end up confusing things and wasting the time of the people who do know and care about the topic.

I'm sorry, but I've seen this time and again.

Unless Julien's identifies you as their spokesperson, please don't speak for them here.

You are a piece of work cyrkin!  Maybe you should go back and read the comment as it was not posted as a spokesman nor does it say speaking for either.   I'm tempted to quote what Darren Julien communicated about you and since it is in writing, that is on the record but I would find it to be about as unprofessional as your comment above.



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