On December 2, Julien's Auctions is selling The Collection of Tompkins and Bush. The collection contains 465 lots of Michael Jackson memorabilia, 287 of them autographed.

Michael Bush and the late Dennis Tompkins were Michael Jackson's costume designers for 25 years, during Jackson's most successful period. They were the consignors of the signed Thriller jacket that Julien's sold for $1,800,000 in June 2011.

Almost all of the autographs in the Tompkins and Bush sale are a variation I'm not familiar with. I've only been looking at Jackson's autograph for a few years, though, and we have members here who have collected him for decades, so I'd appreciate your input and exemplars.

If you know Michael Jackson's autograph well, please look at a few images below from the auction and let me know what you think. Even better, browse the auction and upload any similar examples you have: http://www.julienslive.com/view-auctions/catalog/id/77/

Julien's is the world's premier auction house for Michael Jackson memorabilia, so they would know his autograph better than most of us. I'm just surprised I haven't seen this style before.

Thanks for your help.

Tags: 2012, Julien's, auction, michael jackson, tompkins and bush

Views: 130359

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Replies to This Discussion

Lisa Marie,

I'm sorry, but I don't think that Michael Jackson actually signed that autograph. It's not as bad as the Bush ones but it's quite far off.

Dont know if anyone posted this before, sorry if its a repeat. RT @TheMJAP Still waiting for info regarding why Juliens sold a picture of Jackie as signed by Jermaine and advertised as Jermaine!

big time fake

First of all I really hope that nothing happens to this site and I hope that it is just hot air and it will blow over.

Random question...

Do we know who purchased the standee (lot 749) and has anybody come forward asking questions regarding its authenticity?




It's been four weeks as of today since I first wrote Darren Julien, telling him they were forgeries that I thought were signed by Michael Bush.

Monday will be four weeks since this discussion came online.

There are over 1700 replies to this discussion.

It's run 141 pages.

We've asked several times for people to come forward here who believe the Bush MJs are genuine and tell us why.

We've asked for examples of genuine ones that look like Bush's.

But not one person has come here to do so.

Steve the guy that got a refund from Juliens, could you email him to see if he got his money, and how the process works, did he return item, how?? it would help others here who are trying to get refunds. and would he be willing to help others with their refunds? Maybe start a new discussion, Tomkind,Bush, Juliens refunds??? what do u think. TY

I dont understand some are saying its not real others are saying it is and giving me certs for it. I bought it off a guy who thru a friend that new MJ got him 2 sign it. My pic shows him as he was either entering the hotel or entering the bus im not sure.. What about this autograph?

Attachments: No photo uploads here

that was me....i might note STILL no charge back to my card.

but they did say they would refund. s if anything happens i have it in writing


I am truly disheartened to hear that your faith in Julien’s Auctions has been shaken by what I can only characterize as misinformed and ill-motivated people without the requisite experience or expertise to speak on these issues.  I can assure you that Julien’s Auctions, at all times throughout its history, has always acted in good faith and with the utmost integrity in its auctions and the items sold therein.  And, we fully stand behind Michael Bush.


Having said that, I can assure you that our relationship with our clients – and your satisfaction with our service – is of the paramount importance to us.  Accordingly, we will be happy to cancel your purchase and fully refund your money.  We sincerely hope that this gesture will remove any concerns or issues you may have, particularly as to Julien’s Auctions, and that we will continue to enjoy a long and mutually beneficial relationship.


As always, if you should have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us.”



Martin J Nolan

Executive Director

Julien's Auctions


I would suggest calling them on the phone.

just heard back from them again, they said they are dealing with the "great garbo auction" and will refund my card on monday.

The Garbo auction is really a great auction. All the signatures look like hers!


news of this auction was just on TV here in London..

ARRGGHH why did NO media even want to pick up on what we had to say.


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