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Some of these scans might be to large

please let me know if I should make smaller images

Mantle is not authentic. Mattingly fits an older signature style of his, but I don't like it. Looks slowly signed, too "blotchy" and there's shakiness in the D. Pujols I don't know. What's the seller/story/coa on the mattingly

I bought these at an estate sale, I don't know have anything on them, the owner passed away.

I knew it was a chance to take, so I did.

Thanks for your reply.

Being new to this-how do you know Mantle is fake?

Mattingly only had that style of "D" for a very short period of time. Here is an authentic example:
Also, there has been an epidemic of forgeries of late which use that style of D (he hasn't signed that way in years). Here are examples of recent known forgeries: 

I'm a newbie to all this, but the two baseball photos, you can see the D doesn't have the curved flair at the top.

Do you think the Mattingly and Pujols are worth sending to an authentication company?

Also, what should I do with the fake Mantle?

Wait for some others opinions 

Typical Mantle forgery that we see coming out of these estate sales.

What gives this forgery away. I'm looking at the post on this website for authentic Mantle examples, but I'm new to this and I don't see what makes it fake.

What do people do with fakes, I can take this back to the company that did the estate sale. But shouldn't it be destroyed?

Before I bought this at the estate sale, I was told they didn't know if was real, they think he bought it on Craig's List a few years ago. He was in his 60's (the person that passed away from this estate sale)

Of course you don't see what makes it a forgery.  You don't have the "trained eye" that many of us here do. 

Those forgeries are meant to have the appearance of looking authentic.  That's why the sellers of forgeries stay in business.  They are meant to fool people who know zero about autographs.  The majority of people (not true autograph collectors) who buy that garbage, purchase it on the cheap in the hope of flipping it on Ebay for a profit.

Yes I know I don't have the trained eye, but I find this interesting. I like learning about this. There are many pictures on this website for the post about authentic Mantle. What do you see that gives it away?

I'm not flipping it on eBay. Honestly, I hoped it was real so I could have it authenticated and appraised with my insurance company. I hoped to save it for my kids to have some day in my will. But all that aside, I will be returning it to the company from the estate sale. Or destroy it and keep it out of the pool of forgeries. I didn't pay a lot for it. I was told before hand that they didn't know if was real or not.

I bought it knowing I was taking a chance.

I, for one, appreciate your honesty.



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