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Could you give me an opinion on these items please.

Elvis, McCartney & Linda

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the paul looks good to me.  I am not that familiar with Linda so no comment.  the elvis looks questionable.

The Paul looks good to me too.

No to the Elvis in my opinion.

With the characteristics of the inscription, and the similarities to my Elvis I would say yes...IMO of course, I am no expert but I would say it has a better chance of being real than not

Interesting comments I received about the Elvis.  Showed this to Chrlie Hodge about ten years ago, and he said it was great.  Reckon e'd been around him long enough to know, don't you.

not necessarily.  why would Charlie Hodge be intimately familiar with Presley's signature?

If your best friend signed something, and someone else forged a few of the same signature, would you know the difference?  

comments were made here about the inscription. that is what makes me question it, i dont think it looks like his handwriting.

Its a very strange thing, but often celebrities cant even tell the difference between their signature and a good forgery, or sometimes even a bad forgery. But i guess when you sign so much, it actually would be extremely easy to do.

A good example of this is a guy on this site that goes by the name KissDestroyer1966. He has other names to post his crap, but he keeps this one active as well. He tried to sell a bunch of very bad signed LPs from various artists, and the members of this site got them yanked, and of course he went nuts. He stuck to this story that he purchased this one Kiss item from Glen Danzigs son (by the way Glen Danzig publicly stated he has no son). And it was a fairly good forgery, but still a forgery none the same. I imagine he had people question the item, so he brought it to a show and had Gene Simmons look at it backstage. He asked Gene if that was his sig, and Gene said yes, and all this was on camera. But the signatures were apparent forgeries to those trained in Kiss signatures. It wasnt a question, they were most definetly forgeries. Not to mention the other items he got from this source were horrid forgeries.

Well anyway he has tried to play that off as proof for the bad signatures and paste that vid all over youtube and encouraging everyone to check it out. But ironically it serves the opposite purpose. It actually shows that even the celebrities often dont know whats real and whats fake. And how could they really be expected too if the forgery is good and if they have just a few minutes to look it over. I sure wouldnt be able to tell mine if it was a good forgery. And if the celeb in question cant authenticate his signature accurately, then its even more doubtful a friend would know. I would get it checked out by Roger Epperson just to be sure. But i hope its real for you. Good luck

Thanks for your reply & thoughts Carl, but would disagree with you about knowing your own signature, I'm sure if someone forged mine or one of my wife & family I would know.

Met Charlie Hodge in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. finding him to be a very interesting guy to chat with. He had many great stories to tell and was a charming and helpful man.  Got told off by his wife for calling him Charlie Hodge's, ''theres no S''  she told me.

Finding the site very interesting, but amazed how many conflicting opinons you get, making it difficult who to trust.

Thanks again.

Carl you nailed this one on the head!  In the court of law they even use experts for handwriting because they are the experts not the person who did the signing.  A good forger can easily trick the average person.


Thanks for looking, but I'd have thought Charlie Hodge would have known his signature after spending seventeen years with him.  Yes I reckon I'd know if someone forged my signature.

Got to admit though, theres too many forgeries around.

Paul is good and could he also have signed the Linda too?


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