
In response to the questions raised recently by Mercury Man on here regarding Elton John signatures, and the signed photo displayed by Don Hakka, I can now offer you some examples

All obtained by myself in London between 2006 and 2012

I really do not have a lot of time during the week to do all this, but as people suggested that I am a liar and a faker on here, I thought I best show some proof examples

Taylor accused me and Roger Epperson of being fake. We are not

This is not my full time job, I work in the Nuclear Industry and after 55 ours away from home every week putting images on here is not my priority !

After the threats and accusations regarding the Famous UK Autograph club and its Board members, I have kept a low profile

I have no need for more Famous UK Collectors or Dealers knocking at my front door threating violence against me.

Any questions please message me or ask via here

Thank you


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What ever !!!!

If you know so much, then show me some of your stuff and tell me who you authenticate for.

Private message me if you do not want to give away your company or your a shy boy

I guessed it, you have never ever obtained an 'in person' from Elton have you ?

You come on here calling out decent people and you know nothing !

I am not posting anymore until you post some of your in person collected items... Fair Deal !

You have been called out as a fake on here before for authenticating pure crap (or as you say in the US of A 'garbage')

I have emailed the dude MM and he added me as a friend, so again you know nothing ! 

Stop wasting my time and yours, go out from behind your pc ...............you keyboard warrior and get some in person autographs

Elton has a home in Georgia, go wait out the front of his mansion and do the follow !

In the UK we have a name for people like you and I really should tell you it

we call you  a F**K Wit



Put up or Shut up !

love from

Billy Bob Joe For All I Care

Ok, I'm only going to say this once. Taylor, stop messaging me. My phone and email have been blowing up since I turned my device back on because of you. Both Gary and you need to stop bringing me into conversations that I am not involved in. Icetold you multiple times to leave me alone already. Get this straight, I didn't leave the site because of Gary. Never left at all. I did for a day or two. I only got on to thank a few people and talk to Robert about his thoughts on Mary Austin. But now I think I will leave. Since I'm being dragged into a thread I have nothing to do with. This has gotten old really fast. Through private messages Gary, I thought we settled everything. If not, fine. I stopped caring. I'm not after any pics anymore. Nor I do I care to hear anymore about what Taylor has to say about jack. I'm surrounded by family and I've got a grandchild to take swimming right now. This, and all threads regarding me and any negative light I may be viewed in is now just beneath me. You guys can fight togther or whatever you like. Just stop messaging me. You're shooting a dead horse.

Sorry to hear MM

We  are ok as far as I am concerned

Hope you understand, I put more examples on to show you different forms of his signature

Take no notice of Taylor, he is a fraud


I just don't want to be brought into any arguments I have nothing to do with. I don't want to be affiliated with someone like that. Didn't realize there was a block button until it was too late.
I suspended J, who was obviously the person behind Taylor, whom we suspended a couple of hours ago. J joined from a Houston AT&T IP address, just like Taylor did, and had the same writing style and message. I deleted J's content as well.

One of the problems we have to deal with being an open forum is that the forgery industry can come in and try to raise havoc and cast doubt in the legitimate people in the industry. Taylor/J is clearly one of them.
Good move Steve. I think Gary and Mercury are valued members here. Both are capable of talking to each other without somebody trying to stir the pot.....especially anonymously. I thought Taylor was very disrespectful to Roger who I believe goes way out of his way to help the community here as does Mr Frost. They could easily be charging everyone since that's the business they are in. Selfless service to the autograph community here.

In case you haven't been told in a while I think both you and W do a great job!!!

Thanks Rick... know that I appreciate it!  :)  

Thanks, Rick. Wascher has been doing the lion's share of the work this year, and does a far better job than I do. W has been amazing...a far better mod than I've ever been.


The examples were fine and were appreciated by those who study Elton. But i noticed a comment where again Mercury was brought into this in a way that in my opinion just stirred back in the controversy. I have talked to this man in numerous conversations and i can say with full confidence he was here to learn, had no bad intentions, behaved perfectly fine and with respect. Not only that but he in my book is one heck of a guy, and i think most of the members would agree who have spoke with him. This may get me viewed differently on this site, and if so, then so be it. But i have a huge problem with what went on in the last 2 threads with the Elton topic and its a huge disappointment to me. Taylor has most definetly stirred the pot and made it far worse, but that has nothing to do with Mercury Man and his questions. I really dont blame him at this point for leaving. At this point i am considering the same.

Carl, you know how much respect I have for you. And I can't tell you how much I appreciate your kind words. And you've said many, my friend. You hit the nail on the head here. I think ill just pop in to keep in touch with you and a few good friends here, and to occasionaly ask for help when I absolutely need to. Wascher, I appreciate your private IM as well. Thank you, my friends.

That would just be what the "dark side" wants...and because of that no respected member of this community should ever consider leaving


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