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So I have over 500 autos that I have bought from dealers, ebay, auction houses, and trades from other collectors. 

 I try not to buy anything unless it's PSA certified but I keep seeing horror stories about PSA.. well known auction houses, and ebay. furthermore I keep hearing horror stories about everyone else in the authentication business too (real, jsa, etc) I am at a loss here. who to trust? Where to buy? 

 I feel like this is just a money pit. 

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Study autographs and only purchase what you know.

Come here and ask opinions.

No offence but a sticker does not mean it's authentic. I realise you are trying to only buy if it's authentic but what happens if PSA suddenly became the new GA, your stuff would be almost worthless. Buy based on the autograph and ask for help form people here etc and you will be fine

Very true, Dan. Thanks :) so glad I found this. 

yep.  Only buy something that you feel comfortable with; - I've learnt the hard way as well. You're right it is a money making pit.  If you buy from auction houses, even well known ones, check that they will offer a refund if its found to be non authentic; - otherwise its not worth the hassle or the worry.


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