Ebay Removed My Mickey Mantle Authentic, No-Brainer Autographed Baseball.

Yes guys, Ebay has done it to me again.

Ebay has once again removed an auction of mine that contained an authentic autographed baseball from Mickey Mantle.

First, just below, my authentic Mickey Mantle autographed baseball that Ebay removed two day ago.

As you can see, it is a no-brainer, authentic Mickey Mantle autograph on a baseball.

Below is the Message Of Removal that I received from a moron representative from Ebay.

After reviewing your eBay account, we've taken the following action:
- Listings have been removed. A list of items that were removed can be viewed at the bottom of this message.
- We have credited all associated fees except for the final value fee for your listing(s).

The listing that was removed appeared to violate eBay policy or a rights owner's trademark. Please remember that you are responsible for the quality and authenticity of the products that you offer on eBay. It is against eBay policy to list any counterfeit items.

For more information please see our Replica, counterfeit items, and unauthorized copies policy:

If you have more questions, contact our policy experts:

Please be sure your current and future listings follow these guidelines, keeping in mind that additional violations could result in the suspension of your account.

Here are the listings that were removed:

We appreciate your cooperation.



Please don't reply to this message. It was sent from an address that doesn't accept incoming email.

In my opinion, EBay is attacking me for my exposing of forgeries on their auction site.

In my opinion, Ebay does not like me exposing the sellers of forgeries that contribute to their salaries and bonuses.

Am I interfering with their profit machine from the sales of forgeries?

Of course I'm not; the sellers of forgeries have been running amok selling forgeries for years on Ebay.

Following "Operation Bullpen" Ebay was NOT held accountable for the millions of dollars of forgeries that were sold on the Ebay auction site.

Is Ebay now condoning the listing and selling of forgeries on their auction site?

This is the third time Ebay has removed an auction of mine that contained an authentic autograph.

While Ebay continues to remove my authentic autograph auctions, they allow and approve the listings and selling of GFA (Guaranteed Forensic Authenticators) headed by Steve Rocchi.

I have exposed numerous sellers of GFA certed forgeries, and as far as I know, Ebay has never removed a GFA certed forgery listing.

There is too much money and profits to be made from the sales of GFA certed forgeries.

Sellers of GFA certed forgeries include Ebay sellers Mccauleyjr2006, Roma-Jak, Dbvint123, Stevew6, Rbisportsinc and others.

The "Florida" forgeries are also a big seller on Ebay.

Ebay does not remove the "Florida" forgeries. 

Again, there is too much money to be made from the sales of the "Florida" forgeries.

This Monday I will be sending my authentic Mickey Mantle autographed baseball to PSA.

When it comes back, I will have more to add to this thread.

Tags: CEO, Donahoe, Ebay, John

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the inmates are running the asylum at ebay.  it is a fact.  This is beyond ridiculous.  by the way, nice ball Christopher.

Thank you, Terrier.

The "inmates are definitely running the asylum at Ebay" these days.

It wouldn't surprise me if John Donahoe, CEO of Ebay, eventually puts GFA (Guaranteed Forensic Authenticators) on EBay's Pre-Approved Authenticator List.

I constantly send reports to them on forgeries and seldom are they removed. I suspect you have many enemies from the dark side (the forgers community) and they are sending multiple reports to try to discredit you. When the good guys go down the Scum bags win.

Ian, that is a distinct possibility.

The good guys will never go down.

The bad guys are winning the autograph wars, what a shame.

The bad guys are not winning the war. They might have a victory or two, but in the long run we know that the truth and facts will win the war. I will never give up to do my part to keep collecting autographs fun and entertaining.

We will show them one way or another.

Good point, Bjarne.

They may win some "battles," but that's it.

I know some people who work for ebay so let me shed some light if I can.
I was flagging fake items when I could then I started having my legit items pulled. It got so ridiculous that I had an item pulled for using the athletes name!
I was able through my connections to get a head manager to call me. She looked at my account and confirmed it was the same member of staff pulling my items each time. She couldn't say more than that. I had had one particular person who I told his items were fake tell me he worked for eBay and would make it impossible for me to sell

After the manager called me I never had another item pulled
So it is quite possible someone at the fraud division of ebay knows who you are and is doing it out of spite
Let me just add - I had an item pulled for not having a coa. I got a coa.
It then got pulled for using a google image of the athlete. I deleted the image.
It then Got deleted for not having a picture of the coa. I showed them how it had 3 pics of the coa including next to the item.
It then got deleted for not being in my possession. It was in my possession.
It then got deleted for using the athletes name without his permission.

That's when I was able to get the manager to call
Some people have vendettas

Out of all the things I've read here since stumbling across this site, this has me the most upset. There is no doubt that ebay is pulling Mr. Williams items due to him fighting forgeries. I don't buy that it's an ebay scammer trying to get even with him....it is people at ebay who are PO'd that Williams doesn't keep quiet about forgeries on their site so they can keep making profits. 

These are facts

1. Getting items removed from ebay is almost impossible, even after reporting them. I can give at least 25 different sellers who have been reported for YEARS by DOZENS of ebay accounts....and the only action ebay has taken is giving the scammers "stars" 

2. Ebay has made it impossible to contact members who have bought forgeries so you can educate them and help them get refunded. Ebay is now a closed forum, not the open one they promote. They did this so their customers can keep getting ripped off and they can keep collecting their profits!

3. Ebay promotes the sales of forgeries by their "power-sellers" and when called out respond exactly how forgers do..."How do you know it's fake? Were you there when it was signed? It comes with a COA. Autographs aren't exactly a science ya know."

Well written, Dom.

I will have the last say in this matter, Ebay (John Donahoe, CEO).

Regarding fact #2, I have contacted eBay before in order to try to find out who bought a particular item, so that I could let them know that they had bought an autopen or a forgery. But, of course, eBay won't release that information because they say they want to "protect" the buyer. Protect him from what? You mean from being enlightened about getting screwed. That is precisely why you can no longer know the identity of the buyer - it just creates too many problems for eBay.


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