How can you identify whether a TPA sticker (e.g. PSA) is real or fake?  Are there any tell-tale signs?


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There is no single magic bullet "tell," but here are a few red flags to look for. 

  1. Sticker quality appears different. Poor print quality... different sheen, etc.
  2. High value item that only has a sticker... no card or full letter. Bear in mind items valued over a certain amount MUST have a letter. 
  3. Number does not match item description on website
  4. Fake stickers tend to appear on items that may appeal to casual / impulse collectors. For example, chances are you're not going to see a fake sticker on a Thomas Edision letter, but more likely items like LeBron James, Michael Jordan, hot sports and entertainment celebs, etc. In my experience, most fake stickers I have seen have been on sports items.
  5. Fake stickers tend to come from no name eBay sellers who offer other suspect material. I really don't recall ever seeing a fake sticker offered by a known and reputable dealer.

Also, bear in mind that fake stickers are uncommon and represent a tiny fraction of the overall market. Don't drive yourself crazy obsessing over it. 

Great assessment, Steve.  Thank you so much for that thorough reply.  Hope all is well.

Ditto on that!!!

Many thanks for that!


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