This seller (kissbasement, from Halmstad, Sweden) seems to have a lot of autographed items that he claims were signed in Birmingham in the 1970s and 80s. I have noticed before that some seem suspicious looking so now that he has put up some new items I'd like some opinions on those three. 


Signed Mick Jagger photo

DSSOT ad signed by David Gilmour

Tom Petty signed ad for Long After Dark

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Wow those look awful.

Hej. min van   All of his stuff on Tradera  that I have ever seen is fake.  He has made a fortuneover the years but unfortunately Tradera does nothing

Years? That’s very surprising. I wonder what the seller’s items looked like when they first started out. 

Just as bad but Tradera  dont  like getting involved

Very fake!

I'm a massive TP fan, have seen hundreds of genuine and thousands of Fakes of his  over the years - I have his autograph and the copy you have shown is definitely fake!

This seller has sold MANY fakes over the years. And he just keps listing new ones, that buyers without any knowledge keeps buying.

All his U2, Rolling Stones, Prince, Bob Dylan, Elton John and so on are pure junk!!

And the sad part is that Tradera don’t care at all...


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