Hoping to get some opinions on this Ted Williams signed 1957 Silver Certificate.  Thanks!

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Likely genuine 

I agree

The reason I am asking is because I had this listed on Ebay for several weeks and then received this message from Ebay yesterday.  

that mean's nothing.  people report items and its a crap shoot whether or not ebay removes something.  I would not judge the authenticity solely on Ebay's removal.   I have reported several obvious forgeries and they were NOT removed.

I'm terrible at authenticating TW.  I see some that look real and the consensus is that they're fake, and vice versa.  I thankfully have one that I watched him sign at a card show many years ago, but that doesn't seem to have helped me with judging other examples.

I do know that some years ago (20?) someone was forging autographs of various people on these silver certificates, figuring that they somehow lent an air of legitimacy to the signatures.

I am NOT saying yours is a forgery, and I'm sure TW signed his share of dollar bills for fans.  I'm surprised ebay took the listing down as they still allow so much garbage (autographs and coins) to remain up even if reported.  

Williams can be tricky, and there are a variety of forgery styles depend on what era you're looking at.  I've been a student of Williams for about 35 years. This is a typical quick signature for the era indicated on the bill -- possibly slightly later. I'm confident it would pass professional authentication. 

Im sorry but the graph looks off. The T looks off from the rest of his name. How did you aquire, and  whom did you get this autograph from?

It was an Ebay purchase from a seller that I also purchased a similar dollar bill (1957-B SC) autographed by Paul McCartney.  I consider myself to be pretty good on Beatles signatures and liked the McCartney.  I ultimately submitted the McCartney to PSA who agreed it was authentic.  I presumed maybe the seller obtained the notes from the original owner who collected signatures on these notes.  

that is my concern also, the size of the T vs the rest of the autograph.   I initially thought maybe its an earlier signature style, but the Silver Cert is dated 1957.   So I am highly suspicious of this one.

Perhaps an opinion from ACOA.


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