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hi i recently purchased this ball and wanted an opinion whether the signature is real or fake. thoughts?

Tags: Mantle, Mickey, ball, signature

Views: 679

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It's authentic in my opinion.

I believe this is one of the very common forgeries from the 1990s, but I'm not a Mantle expert, by any means.

Thanks Travis. Just curious what makes you think it's a forgery?

I don't like the slant, the speed and the M's.  But again, I'm not a Mantle expert.  There are some guys on this site who've studied Mantle for decades.


I understand your concerns. I think the Mantle ball is likely real, but I wasn't confident enough to comment on it.

My first signal to any Mantle ball is the formation of 'ant'. The Mick signed those letters in a certain way that I haven't seen a forger replicate. It's signed for lack a better term, very elegant and fluid, like the one above. Again, I am no expert on Mantle, especially earlier pieces, but I find this is an easy way to look for a good one.

Authentic IMO.

Oh yeah, that's a nice authentic Mantle ball.


100% authentic

Found some free time over the past few days and researched Mantle autographs.  Yep; she's the real deal.  You have a legit Mantle signature and I've had a chance to learn a few things.  Thanks for posting!


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