Hi everybody,

Happy and Healthy 2024 to ALL!

A thread of New Year's related autographs. Could be anything from Poseidon, The Time Machine, Godfather 2...Snowpiercer...they all have New Year's scenes in them.

I will start us off with Norma Desmond who threw a very interesting New Year's Eve party for 2...

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I just realized there is a New Year's scene in Kane!

Excellent photo and autograph! Very rare to see photos from Citizen Kane signed so every time I see this I love it even more. 

Thank you JMS1223,

This item brings me a great amount of pleasure.


Hello Eric,

Happy and successful 2024 to you as well! Really appreciate the communication on this forum, and your help in particular. This forum is amazing, I've gotten so many awesome items through here, as well as learning so much knowledge about autographs, and also discovering new music and new merch that I'd never find on my own.

Nice photographs by the way. I don't recognize any of the films, but it's cool that there are people that collect autographs that are THIS vintage! \m/

Thanks Yony,

This is indeed a great place. I am very happy to be a part! 


This isn't a photo but an inscription with a New Year's subject (inscription edited to protect the innocent. 😉 ).

In the last scene of "It's A Wonderful Life", referenced by his character's name, they sing Auld Lang Syne.

Excellent inscription. Love that piece. 

That's 'wonderful', JK!

Most superb! Really incredible!


I don't own it...but I love this from Ann Miller:

Eric, I don't know if it's related to the thread - I know of some New Years related signatures, but not from movies.

Just remembered that Billy Idol released a christmas album over a year ago!

I bought this album back then, but I don't have any good image of the signature I got, so here's one I found online:


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