I thought Steve Sipe was supposed to clean up Global Authentics (formerly GAI)?


These highly suspect signatures are flooding eBay and they all look like they came from the same hand and I'm betting it wasn't Mariano Rivera's. They seemingly almost always have a Global COA.


Who is submitting these? Where are they coming from? Why are they always listed at a fraction of Steiner, JSA or PSA prices? Doesn't that lead one to believe the sellers know they are suspect items?


This junk is what i found just browsing this morning. Repeat this every day and week and there are hundreds -- maybe thousands -- of this style Rivera with Global COAs.


What is going on here?









Tags: GAI, Global, Mariano, Rivera

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Please keep us posted on that response...I am willing there will be just a read and delete on there end...

Rivera Global/GAI fake on a cheap $2 Chinese ball.


Bottom of the barrel. Not even getting a real MLB ball.


Just did an eBay search on Rivera and GAI.

Of the 21 results, 20 appear to be highly suspect.  One **may** not be suspect.

Does it get any worse than this? GAI / Sipe should be hanging his head in shame.


My God... this one appears that the R in the last name was done twice! Once with the straight line and once with the downward part of the R. What are you looking at Steve Sipe?!?!?


This must be the "new & improved" version. Maybe the forger is reading this forum to get improvement tips. If you are reading this, here is a tip: put down the meth and get a real job. Karma is a bitch.


By my estimation, 20 of 21 Mariano Rivera GAI certed items on ebay now are highly suspect. If they are fake, that is a 95% failure rate. This failure rate is in Morales / Frangipani / Ted Taylor territory. How is this possible? How is it GAI is still an approved eBay authenticator?

A monkey flipping a coin would have a far better results than Global Authentics / GAI.

The dealer near me sends everything he has to Bobby Grider. He swears by the guy. I know he get Global letters from him on his high dollar items. I've seen him acquire items and they sit in the shop while he waits on letters. Doesn't seem he has to send some of these items in. Other things he just claims he pays the quick opinion fee and if Bobby thinks it good he issues his own store COA. He even advertises him by name on his EBAY auctions.

Bobby does for sure.  I talk with him often when he has NASCAR items for me to check.


Not sure about Steve W. I have not heard Steve Sipe mention him lately. That doesn't mean he isn't working for them though.


I'm hoping Sipe is checking into this.  I did send it to him.

Hello everyone,

A quick question. After reading some posts on here about GAI i came to the conclusion that most of their stuff is probably not on the up and up and i have been steering away from anything with their COA. Is this a wise bet, or are they generally okay? Maybe just not on Rivera? They have some nice prices every now and then, but i have alot of concerns. Are they a good company?



GAI is defunct. Their material is still out there but the company is GA now. Global Authentics. Is GAI generally okay? No. Is GA? Nah.

I'd continue to steer clear.

Between the old GAI garbage with Mike Baker certing all of that Mantle, Williams and DiMaggio crap, and now Sipe (Global Authentics) certing all of this Mariano Rivera and Derek Jeter crap, when does it all end?

I don't want to hear anything about Mike Baker didn't actually authenticate that Mantle, Williams and DiMaggio crap; Mike Baker's name is on those certs.  Period.

Here is a real LOL.

$35 starting bid and no takers. Even the GA cert can't save this clunker. 


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