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+1 on the overall mode of operation (fake first etc).

Barcode matches the signed edition from Indigo.

After all I've seen, it would be wishful thinking this post is fake.

The guy mentioned the shipping box with the Nov 1 date an hour or so ago and now produces a convincing photo. People don't even go through this much trouble to make 100k in fraud or advertising, let alone just to get some to cancel a book.

Even if a bunch of people cancel orders, that doesn’t necessarily translate to Indigo putting them back up for sale. Seems like a lot of trouble to go to for a possibility. 

Indigo had them up for 24 hrs or so, seemingly regardless of # ordered, and may not necessarily open orders back up per cancellations. (Now, if they are autopen, they should have more than enough for everyone!)

Exactly - everybody needs to contact

indigo and get to the bottom of this.

99% with you but I need to be 100%

Here's the 2016 INDIGO Wayne Gretzky autopen fiasco article:

"A large quantity of “autographed” copies of ’99 Stories of the Game’ sold through Indigo Books and Music were actually autopenned.  INDIGO realized the mistake after customers familiar with Gretzky’s autograph contacted them to complain.  They’re now offering refunds for those books.

“We have ordered thousands of author signed books in the past and have never had an issue. But in this case, unfortunately, we unknowingly received auto-penned versions instead of the promised autographed books,” Janet Eger, vice president of public relations for Indigo Books and Music, told Global News."

They have a 30 day return policy, so it is very little risk.

Loads ordered from abroad so many don’t have that luxury.

Dagnabbit! At least thats 600 bones I dont need to sweat so hard anymore…

maybe the descriptor should have read:

THE PHILOSOPHY OF MODERN SONG: kinda "SIGNED" EDITION by Bob Dylan (& autopen) !!! 

Does anyone know of any other Bob Dylan autopens in existence? Or has anyone seen an exact replica of the one pictured in this supposedly autopened book? If this book was faked, the signature example must have come from somewhere 

It wasn’t faked!


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