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How about an ongoing thread to highlight the new additions to your collection?

Whether it's a through-the-mail freebie or a big buck acquisition... it's all good. Show us what you got!

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Very nice collection!  As for framing the big thing is going to be fading. What many do is to have high-quality prints made frame those and keep the originals in notebooks or folders.  The double benefit of this is it allows you to enjoy them on the wall and to look at them in detail in person so to speak.  I used to collect Civil War and Revolutionary War a great deal. 

now have Blenker just need the three M's McDowell McClellan and mcCall

Some newer stuff and stuff on the way you guys might like.

Vintage KISS

Def Leppard

One Republic Guitar

Stan Lee on Iron Man #1


Remember this band? Original sheet music signed by lead singer
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Of course. Love that song Louie Louie Louie Louiiiiiiiie

From the recent David Crosby signing in N.Y.

Did crosby do a sign in for people?

Sorry,wasn't there. I heard he was cordial and there weren't as many people there as was thought there might be. He is one of those guys that thinks everybody wants to sell his signature and is not usually nice when asked.

He doesn't have to be nice because these days it's almostva game to see if you can get crosby to sign.
I like it ian. Tracks uk have a 67 photo of him for sale but its not signed.

Ebay has a few under a 100 bucks Cd or Lp. I don't think that's too bad considering the guys such a pain in the arse about signing.

a few days ago

Just got this back today from my framer.led zep band signed .I think it came out very nice.
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