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PINK FLOYD: Roger Waters signing autographs June 15th, 2011

At the Hotel de Rome in Berlin. Interested in authentic autographs ? Please visit http://www.autograph-market.com

Views: 207

Comment by David K on September 19, 2011 at 5:43pm
Roger Waters is a kind, caring man...he signs whenever he can.... But.Good Luck getting david Gilomour to sign any Floyd item.....
Comment by David K on September 19, 2011 at 5:51pm
Can you explain this to me? I see it-but I dont beleive it..is Gilmour actrually signing FLOYD albums? he refuses ALL requests to sign anythign FLOYD in the USA or Canada?? Explain?
Comment by Markus Brandes on September 20, 2011 at 12:16am
Dear David. Last time he came to Paris (3-4 years ago) he signed Pink Floyd items...
But maybe it changed in the last years... I will check also with some further European hunters if they had have a different experience within the past few years.
Comment by Markus Brandes on September 20, 2011 at 12:17am

Next comment from France:


Last time I saw him it was 5 years ago and he was hard to sign but he signed Pink Floyd maybe now it's finish...

Comment by Markus Brandes on September 20, 2011 at 12:18am
From Berlin: "He is very tough to obtain. For me it is unknown that he refuse to sign Pink Floyd items but he only sign 1 autograph per person when he take the pen in his hands..."

Comment by David K on September 20, 2011 at 12:23am

When he came into USA in 2006 for his solo tour with Rick Wright...he ONLY would sing that CD "ON an ISland: absolutely nothing else..1 per perosn and ONLY when he felt like signing..had to wait all day and night for 1 graph. When he did the Floyd tours in USA 1994 AND in 1987 he would NOT sign at all..very bad...only signed at hall of Fame after induction 1996...hen not on tour. Guess he's a bit easier in Europe.

Anyone have a legit signed Floyd album with Gilomout on it for sale..

Comment by Markus Brandes on September 20, 2011 at 12:30am
Dear David... I don't believe that he is more easy in Europe particular as he had not been very often here in the past. Like my Berlin hunter mentioned... when he finally take a pen in his hand...he will only sign one per person. Yes... complete authentic signed Floyd albums are treasures and will always increase in value.... A shame how many thousands of Pink Floyd autographs are offered for sale every day. Collector's really should be aware and only buy with exact provenance and possible proof but unfortunately in most cases rather prefer the "bargain" which maybe could be real......
Comment by David K on September 20, 2011 at 12:35am

Hi mark.,.yes--all those "fake" ebay complete Floyd albums with fake COA's are revolting..and they sell...not for thousands..but still--they hurt the legitmate collectors who like yo uand me spent so many days waiting for the one real autograph...Ebay has NO authentication submission policy-its a shame. The good news for me--was mr gilmour posed for a photo with me in 2006 to complete The Floyd (all 4)..he was one of my most wanted pictures....he consented on the last day in NY at the hotel..I was the only one he took a pic with...thanks for the info. dave

Comment by Markus Brandes on September 20, 2011 at 12:45am
Dear David. The fight against forgeries is a fight against windmeels. I really do not know what we can do more. On www.isitreal.com --> auction abuse we offer the opportunity to claim forgeries on EBAY auctions (http://www.isitreal.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&...) collector's can claim fake sellers but we need the support from the autograph community. In our YouTube channel we show how difficult it is to obtain In-Person autographs nowadays but as long as there are too many collector's who prefer to be just in the "imagination" to have an authentic example they will support the forgers and I really like to recommend every autograph collector always first to believe that it is a forgery and get a proof from the opposite else it would be better if they write the requested signature by themselves instead of supporting those fake dealers....
Comment by David K on September 20, 2011 at 12:57am
All I an suggest right now --and I will think on it--is all the forgers usually do Not put their real name,m address, phone, on the worthless COA..that should flag #1. 2)When asked where an item was obtained a forger almost always says 'an Estate sale' or from a "trusted collectorz' without naming such Estate sale 9ther are rarely any-and with signed floyd albums ? please...-its just a forger line) 3)No pics with the artists..4)No exact date and location 5)poor scans fuzzy far away cant see the sigs close up...that should be posted so all can readf before bidding ...and 6)ANYOEN running a private ebay auction is a forger..period.


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