I posted this earlier on another Ray Charles post but everyone got sucked into another matter.

I took two signed contract signatures as well as a 1988 signed 5x6 photo from Ray Charles Enterprises. We all know the full name cursive signatures are surely not real and I have seen dozens of these 5x6 photos of Ray signed with the fake full name signature. But this one, is different then the rest, the letter that came with it from Ray Charles's office states that they are sorry for running out the larger versions so please accept this smaller one instead. Is this Ray's actual signature? His real signature? I mean, it's on several contracts I have seen over the years and to me, it's looks like a blind mans interpretation of "Ray Charles". I personally feel Ray could sign more then block letters, he wasn't born blind and surely he could write some, or at least draw or doodle and I am sure he had at least seen writing so unlike Stevie Wonder he had a clue what writing even was and how it looked so I feel he could have taught himself over the years. idk, if you post that these are from a helper can you please post who signed his name like this, and also how you are sure of this? Thanks, and if someone could get Roger Epperson involved that would be great to try to work together and put together a solid Ray Charles signature (or lack there of) study.

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I highly doubt that was signed by the Ray Charles we are thinking of. A Ray Charles may have signed that but it wasn't the blind musician we all know.


Ray Charles didn't write cursive.


I have this PlayBoy magazine in Braille signed by Ray Charles. I know is authentic because it was given by him to my father in law in 1993. He asked him an autograph and Ray Charles did not have a paper to sign so he used his magazine

If you read this whole thread, I'm sure it may give you reason to doubt your signature is authentic

The thing is I know is authentic. My father in law was present when he signed the magazine

Lucky you. I don't believe a word my father-in-law tells me. 


I hate to say it, but that was signed by Ray's assistant, Vernon Troupe. I have one very similar. 

This reminds me of a debate I had with a friend of mine; we both got Stevie Wonder’s autograph outside his hotel in New York, but when he signed he held the pen while an assistant guided his hand. The assistant pretty much cupped his hand over Stevie Wonder’s hand and did the writing. In my mind, Stevie was holding the pen so it’s pretty much his authentic autograph but the friend I was with feels that it’s really just the assistant doing the writing. I’m wondering if maybe Ray Charles may have done something similar with this piece which would kind of place a gray area on it as to whether it’s authentic or done by an assistant?

do you think it is real?

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or this is real?

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