
I am looking to purchase an autographed album/headshot of George Michael as a gift. I have been searching online to find an authentic signature but have come across many that seem fake (based on low price or no certificate validating it). I have found some that seem real and considered purchasing them and send them to a professional authentication company such as PSA. 

I found one on ebay that seems real and would like input on what you guys think about it. I've attached photos of the original posting as well as a close up of the photo.

And I found one on MMP Collectibles (I've attached a photo of the original posting) but I read on here that they have been known to sell fake autographs. Not sure if this is one of them.

Also, if anyone knows of any websites that have a history of authentic signatures or specifically any George Michael autographed memorabilia, please send me the links. I'm looking to spend up to $300-$400 (not sure if it's possible to find an authentic one for this price range).

Thank You for you help

Tags: authentic, autograph, george, memorabilia, michael, real, signature

Views: 1415

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Be very careful when you are looking for a signed picture or album of George. There is a lot of fakes out there.

Attached are one that I have in my collection and that I think is authentic.

Good luck in your search!

Attachments: No photo uploads here

Nice!  Yes, yours is authentic, Bjarne.

Thanks for your response! I'll keep that in mind.

I don’t think either of these is authentic.

I don't like 1 and cant see because of the contrast in 3 sorry

Yea that's what I was thinking. Thanks!

I have a signed guitar but not in that budget sorry

100% fake.

I have  a signed guitar if interested. 100 percent real

How much are you selling it for? And has it been authenticated?

1200 for the guitar. 

Hi is it still available?

can you send pictures? 

Or message me? 

God bless


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