The Signed Deluxe edition of Renegades will be on sale at Barnes & Noble on Dec 7th. Limit of one per person and instore only. No online orders . Barnes and Noble members only and the price is $500, 10% for members RENEGADES: BORN IN THE USA. ( 

and Amazon Renegades: Born in the USA (Deluxe Signed Edition): 978...

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Why is the delivery so different ? Some get the books now, some in weeks or month.I thought the books are ready to ship 

Is anyone still waiting for a delivery estimate from Amazon? Seen a few people have had updates but my order (placed 19th Oct) is still missing a date. 


Jan 3rd for me

I got charged today.

My date was added Friday. I am looking at Dec 22...unless it moves again.

Starting to get concerned I don’t have a date yet. Thought I was early to order but clearly not!

Thanks everyone.

I think there are supply chain issues.   Look at the Grohl books, Will Smith books,  or the Schitt's Creek books. Eventually, a lot of the delayed orders came in.  So do I think that sellers are still getting supply in over the coming days/weeks? Yes! Do I think they have enough coming to fill all of their orders?  I'm going to say probably not.  So don't cancel anything. Maybe jump on it if another chance to order comes up. But be patient-unless you ordered from Target and nowhere else. Then I'd panic!

Just got charged today too like Jor-El. And my estimated date is December 22nd, but still says not shipped yet. 

Mine is estimated 31 Dec to 4 Jan. 

no date on mine (Amazon Canada)

My date just got revised to 24/12 so it’s been dispatched. I was starting to assume my order would be cancelled but seemingly it is on the way…

Mine hasn't shipped and I haven't been charged yet. Wonder if it'll get cancelled. 



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