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Mj autograph signature opinions for an exposition (Michael Jackson)

Hi everybody! 

First of all,  hope you´ll  have a great weeckend and Easter.!!!!  Happy Easter to all members!

As I´v told you before in the other posts i´m choosing the  artists autographs for a play and exposition that will take place  in 2017 in Lisbon Portugal, can i have please your opinion about this Mj signature?

Thanks in advance. 

Tags: Jackson, MJ, Michael, autograph, signature

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Dear friends, members and CO´s from Autograph Live.

First all, i´m going to try to express myself in English, (not in my native language)

Please forgive, if you´ll  find any mistake,  i asure you i´m doing my best to be clear.

I´m very happy to  be  accepted, and be here, sharing informations, ideas, details, and all the other things that people are doing in their live with passion....

as Collecting.

Passion for the things i do in my professional live, passion with my hobbies, friends and of course  family.

I´m an artist. and also writer, both areas are moved by emotions.

I´m not here with the purpose of business.

I´m here to exchange, to Exchange ideas, exchange our  hints and "treasures", but above that to learn and to teach with great people that have also their passions, and their ideas.

Even if you don´t agree with some of the posts i write, it  will be very kind from you to feel some feedback.

Thats also a way to grow.

For more than 15 years, i´m  giving classes to thousands of students, and you know what?

I´v learned a lot with them.

I´v been part from other collectors forums and always had the feeling that was a great place to share.

3 or 4 from you are being very kind, and thank you for your communication. (you know who you are)

But when people give their opinion,  in public,  its always nice and  welcome to feel why, or which technical,  or other facts are given.

 " I don´t" Like it" Or Not for my collection,  are not great answers when you are trying to learn and,  knowing who is who.

Hope my honesty did´t offend anyone, because that its not being my intention, but i´m really here to communicate and share if you are open to it.

Thank you in advance


Do you like these?

When MJ wrote his name out and you see a definite "ch" in Michael it usually has a full "i" in front of it.  In fact its really really rare to not see the i  (this is ONLY when you see the ch, not when he does just a bunch of humps).  Sometime there is a tiny blip but the i is there.  The one you've shown misses the i.  I don't like it for that reason.

The above signatures (that I posted) passed a very reputable person also.... best in the U.S. in my opinion and I still ask that person for opinions because we can all make errors.  Nobody can say for certainty that they know something to be 100% authentic unless they were there.  They can give an opinion that it looks ok. 

The signatures I posted above are all forgeries.  Here is another style by that same forger, missing the i again.  Instead he uses a loopy J.  These also passed.  And they are not legit. 

Hope this helps you understand why I don't care for the one you shown.   And yes I'm sure you can probably go out and dig up one or two legit ones without an i.  I have folders and folders of them with, and I have only a few without it.  I study only MJ as well.

Hi Wascher,

Thank you very much for your answer.

Really appreciate this explanation and care.

And you are right, nobody can guarantee 100% authenticity if they don´t have a video  with the artist signing the item, or other similar and irrefutable proof.

And i know that, because i´v posted a famous and quoted, Spanish band  autograph "Heroes del Silencio",

i´v made them an interview in 1991 and they have signed the poster in front of me and my eyes. But if you ask me for any proof, is that all that i have. My word and memory.

 Independently on that fact, we can find thousands of  forgeries at naked eye, and other ones that could be questioned, right?

I´m not talking about other experts opinions only.

 (i have two with positive opinions for the same autograph)

This autograph was passed,  and was in auction at IAA (international Auction House), i have the documents that prove this.

They have a severe selection and approval for the auctions,  as we know and you can read at their policy. (But of course i´m sure they can always be wrong, cause nobody is perfect)

I really honor, appreciate, value  and trust your opinion, but  i think this one could be an exception.

And thank you very very much for your amazing and technical opinion, and professional answer.

Best wishes,



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