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I think the artworks are definitely hand-signed (by Bob) but I was wondering if they maybe used some of these to make the autopen templates (without involvement of Bob)?

Ah, I see. That had crossed my mind too- assuming art prints are real (I still believe they are for now), maybe they got the book templates from some of the legit art prints. 

The art is definitely signed. This is a fact. I am 100 positive on this 

Has anyone heard anything from Premiere Collectibles yet. I emailed to cancel yesterday but no reply from their Cs. Think I might raise it with PayPal. Still can’t believe they tried to pass off autopens after the indigo fiasco. 

Yes this was my reply an hour ago !

Hi Nick,
We became aware of this situation today and our team is making every effort to find answers to the questions being raised.
We will reach out to the publisher immediately. Please give us a few days to sort this out. 
Rest assured that if we conclude the autographs are not personal, funds will be promptly refunded.
Thank you for understanding!

All The Best,

Wendee Arriesgado
Customer Service Manager

Which company is this ?

If you used PayPal, I would suggest going ahead and filing a claim (item is not as described). I did that, prior to getting a response from Premiere, and they refunded and closed the PayPal case quickly. I guess it wasn’t worth the fight for them given the evidence 

Yes well done Ink !! Love it ! I totally agree - he looks like a right Muppet! Hope he enjoys his time in Prison 

I simply can not believe that these fakes are still up for sale!

Man is this OPENING A CAN OF WORMS ???

I got a bad feeling in my gut that BOB DYLAN USED AUTO PENCILS to sign his art.

We should get the art community involved in this investigation and have anybody you know

send in samples of their "signed" Bob Dylan art prints to see if indeed an AUTO PENCIL was used.

I feel that Autograph Live and our friends and members are opening up a big can of Dylan worms!

Now the Bob Dylan account is advertising these on Twitter! 


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