I was given these two autographs in this frame as a Christmas gift last year with a COA. I'm unsure as to the authenticity of the two signatures. I know it's hard to tell with the Brian Wilson autograph because there are so many different versions of his signature throughout the years as his mind has been aging and what not. Any help would be appreciated. My dad bought it an an antique shop with other framed autographs.

Tags: Beach, Boys, Brian, Carl, Wilson

Views: 2942

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This is the Brian Wilson autograph
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This is the Carl Wilson Autograph
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everything, including these from Coaches Corner is fake. Biggest forgers in the business.

Thank you for informing me. What are your thoughts on this Brian Wilson autograph?
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I personally am not a fan of this one, it looks a little too clean to me. However I would wait to hear from Paul to be sure. 

not authentic, sorry Chris.

Backstage pass authentic

agree.  both cut sigs are very bad.  The photo has a chance but it is very neat for Brian.  Still it has merit.  Need a real Brian expert for that one.

The autographed photo is ok eBay and the seller says is from 1990 if that helps

The first 2 aren't authentic. I don't have any of brian from 1990 on the photo. Brians signatures stops and starts most times or he signs with a b and a line or w and a line.  I don't like how the b in the photo comes out the back then he starts again with the r.  I don't like the s in Wilson its difficult to see where he is flowing. So id say not authentic.

I agree with Paul 100%. The two index cards are certainly not authentic, and the signed photo does not look good to me either. Just to show you how much his signature can vary, here is my Pet Sounds signed vinyl obtained in person (by me) in 2010.
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What are your thoughts on this autograph from 1984 on a backstage pass?
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