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Wow I saw that too! Pretty cool. I offered him $200 lol

Haha that’s awesome!  

Wow, I’ve never seen that happen before - certainly unique!

If only they could have spared some copies for those of us in the UK - we seem to be the only place that hasn’t had any really (bar the handful at Foyles which sold in seconds)

U.K. would be nice! I had to order mine from America. Postage was $33! Hopefully it’ll be here soon :D

There's entire continents that didn't get the signed books. Continental Europe hardly ever gets any signed items, while there are many UK exclusives. 

That is absolutely true. I meant more based on expectation (eg UK are often fortunate with major signed preorders) than genuine fairness, point taken.

The only time I've seen it happen was on a Ronda Rousey and a Gordie Howe book - both times, a printing error from the factory. Likely happened when passing through a sorting machine. Bonus for anyone who gets it!

Do you have any plans for it? Unless you are a huge fan and want something one of a kind in your collection, Id say sell it now for an outrageous price while it has attention. This is like winning the lotto. Small lotto.. not megamillions lol

I’m definitely keeping it!  If anything, I may cut one of them out to have encapsulated and framed with a Dave grohl print that I have…

Don't do that! Jason is right. This is one of those oddities certain collectors love to have.

Try to ride the hype and put it on ebay as an auction. If you set a minimum selling price of $500 you've got nothing to lose. If it sells you can buy 2 books for that price (one of which you cut) and still got a couple 100 left.

I would definitely love to trade you some popular autographs for it! And make it worth it for you :) DM ME! I love things like this! Maybe we can work a deal

Thanks for the offer but I’m going to keep it!  Foo Fighters are one of my all time favorite bands and couldn’t see giving these up…


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