Ebay Seller Ashtons..attic Mickey Mantle Autographed Baseball Forgery Ebay Seller COA Hollywood & Sports Memorabilia

Here's another typical ugly Mickey Mantle forgery on a baseball with a worthless COA from Hollywood & Sports Memorabilia.

I have yet to see any autograph with a COA from Hollywood & Sports Memorabilia that is authentic.

This hideous-looking Mickey Mantle forgery on a baseball is listed by Ebay seller Ashtons..attic.

The only people who buy and sell crap like this are the suckers and wannabe autograph collectors with ZERO knowledge.

These are the same people who infect our autograph hobby with their forgeries.

And, of course, Ebay continues, as they have for the past twenty years, to PROFIT from the sales of forgeries.

Here is that ugly Mickey Mantle forgery on a baseball listed by Ebay seller Ashtons..attic.


Tags: Fame, Hall, Mantle, Mickey, NY, Of, Yankees, ashtons..attic, baseball, ebay, More…forgery, seller, signed

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yup Kalynn, we hate these pathetic child like forgeries. We don't hate you. When you start becoming "Doubting Thomas", it just shows how silly sellers of this trash like yourself can be. Again, we don't hate you PERIOD.

We hate obvious forgeries like the one your selling and the people who try and take a ridiculous stance that is's authentic cause it has a COA LOLOLOLOLOLOL.

Please stop it and remove the listing. If you can't get your money back, try a game of catch with the kids. They will love you for it.

As usual eBay allow this junk to be sold and do nothing. Nice work as always Chris

Kalynn do the right thing. Dont sell it or have anything to do with it unless your selling it for the price of the ball. Sorry that you got caught up in this but the ball is no good. dont waste another cent on it. If somebody buys it and finds out its no good you will have more problems! Good luck and please do the right thing.

Thank you!  I have added to the listing, unknown as of right now to the owner of the ball, something recommended by Michael Frost.  

"P.A.A.S. has examined this signed baseball based upon the photographs and has determined the signature not to be authentic." 

I just have to get feedback from the owner of the ball.  I feel like a monkey stuck dead right in the middle!!!

Why not call the owner and tell them you refuse to sell fake s***? Auction was altered after bids were placed. Somebody bid $117 thinking it was real. Right thing would be to close down the auction.

I'd bet that's the owner of the ball in their running up the price. Notice how the bidder with the 94 feedback continues to run up the bid yet doesn't pass the 35 feedback even when they can see their next bid will take over the high bidder spot? When the 35 feedback places another high bid and has two bids higher then the 94 feedback then he jumps back in and bids up again until his bid is in between the two higher bids placed by the 35 feedback. By bumping it minimum bids they assure themselves of no more than a tie and the original bidder wins it if it ends this way. Nice bidding scam going on here.


Why the heck is that Mantle forgery still listed!!!

Kalynn, I believe you when you say you were not aware when you originally listed the ball.   but you have been emphatically told by some of the best Mantle authenticators on the planet, that the ball is a forgery.  Even by adding Michael Frost's comment, you are still selling a forgery.  why would anyone in their right mind, want to own this?

"As usual eBay allow this junk to be sold and do nothing. Nice work as always Chris"

and when this starting happening on a regular basis, I stopped buying from E-bay. 2-5K per month now down to less than 50.00 per month....bye bye e-bay

I tried to add a status to "my Page", but no matter how I typed it, it said I had too many characters. 

In response to these many comments, I did indeed remove the auction from eBay & I sent the ball to JSA.

It was returned today, and is NOT, in fact, an authentic example of Mickey Mantle's signature.

This situation was very new to me; after reading responses and confusing consideration, I felt I did the right thing.  I just wanted to say, you were correct; I was not.  I thank you for your assistance and a very big lesson learned.   Kalynn Baker


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