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Steve Cyrkin

Publisher and Community Manager

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Hello, I'm a UK resident and have been collecting since the middle of last year so am a baby at collecting autographs.

My very first one that got me started was a football programme that I managed to get signed by 6 players before the match. This got me going with the bug and so far have around 20 other autographs. I'm mainly requesting via email or post but when I can I plan to make trips to book signings, events etc

Other favorite autographs I have so far are Amir Khan the boxer, Clare Balding and a fantastic one that I got today through the post for my little one was the Sesame Street Crew!! All of them such as cookie monster, big bird lol it looks nice in a frame.

Not sure what to collect, I'm a sports fanatic and love tv so think i'll go with these but for now i'll try and get anything

 I have the hairy bikers, merry berry and gordon ramsey too on my kitchen wall so a few more celebrity chefs would be good too!!

I'm very new to it all so would welcome any help. It's a great, inexpensive hobby.

If anyone knows how I can get Cliff Richard that would be fantastic!!

53 year old disabled vet just searching on my nascar item

Hello Friends,  My name is Rhiannon most call me Rain. Im 41 yo and have been collecting signed photos since I was about 6 years old. the first signed photo was from President Carter. I do not have that picture as I am certain my foster family from that time may still have it, yet i was able to write to President Carter and he was more than happy to send not only a signed photo but the one he used to send out at that time. He even sent me a signed book along with a signed book his wife wrote.

I love collecting, more for personal than anything as I have yet to sell any signed photos or anything else I have. I have art work done by celebs personally made for me. Poster signed by cast and crew including Directors etc, and I still want more. It's just so hard to find an address these days and a correct one at that. I so wished Autograph Magazine was still around to get all those addresses they would publish. I have no clue where else to go so i stopped when the magazine stopped. I have asked many question through out the years but no response back from anyone including AM staff etc. so if anyone has any Idea's how to get address's please let me know . I would be ever so in debt of your kindness. i can be reached via FB Rain Rhiannon and or emailed at hrmrhiannon@insightbb.com .  if anything thanks for reading.. and enjoy those signed photo's etc. - Always a Friend and Fan - Rain

Hi Rain that is great about the Carter items.  Fanbiz is a site where you can get some addresses it is at http://www.fanmail.biz/

I used to deal in Beatles autographs back in the 80's. Things have changed a lot between then and now and for me the biggest development since then is the effect that the internet has had on the hobby/industry. On the positive side the amount of good exemplars available has increased immeasurably, also advice is available on forums such as this. On the negative side flash websites have given forgers and sellers of forgeiries an open market.

I like the work undertaken by some on this forum to highlight sources who regularly sell forgeries. I'm quite happy post my opinion on Beatles autographs and although I rate myself as quite experienced I'm not so arrogant as to assume that my opinion will always be correct and hope that my contributions will be a continued education for myself as well as anybody we might be able to help. With the large sums of money often involved I see this function of the forum as being very valuable.

Hello. I'm a serious collector of all kinds, especially (items and signatures) of Sports Memorabilia, Music and Presidents.  I have been collecting since the mid 70's.  I have a unique collection due to my personal relationships, family relatives and luck of finding (buying) rare treasures/collections/auctions, and of course,  personal relationships.

I'm joining this site to help education others and learn some myself.

I have been heavily collecting autographed memorabilia for over 15+ years.I got my very first autograph from John Elway back when I was 10 at Mile High and have been addicted to signed stuff ever since.I have a pretty good sized collection of mainly areas that I like which is NFL,(mainly Broncos),NBA,(mainly Kings),90's movies,(Anything Pacino and Scarface to Pulp Fiction etc.).I also have focused on my music memorabilia in the last 7 years (buying any and every signed album from local record stores) and have acquired some pretty amazing pieces.I really was interested in this site to not only learn more about collecting but wanted to be part of a community that had similar interests.I also have purchased a few collections from local collectors and was interested in getting feedback about the authenticity of alot of the items that I have bought.

Hi, I am an avid collector since childhood, which is what led me to a career in public relations in Los Angeles, dealing with celebrities. I've done more than my fair share of Sci-Fi expos and other Con's. But I have quite the collection of in-person autographed memorabilia!

Nice to meet all of you!

Hi Steve,

Long time since I was here. Mainly because my job had been a big time problem starting back the end of 2010 so it has settled down some not completely but a little.

But about my collection. It's all over the place and if you look at my pictures o this site you will see mostly actors and actresses from recent to older classic stuff. I have done hundreds of TTM and in person autograhs mainly conventions I do every year which I haven't done very many over the last 2 years. But I have picked up a few autographs in person for some of the mebers on here also. i have probably a hundred signed movie posters and I don't know maybe 1000+ autographs total. Haven't really counted anything lately.

Look forward to getting back in touch with everyone again and tryoing to keep the collection going.


Hello everyone. I just joined yesterday, and I'm looking forward to some intelligent and constructive conversation. My name is Eddie, I'm 63 years old and I live in Anaheim, Ca. I don't recall the year, but I began collecting when my hair was still black, and I will add any signature to my collection regardless of who it is provided the price is within reason. I have paid too much for a worthless autograph, and almost nothing for a big money signature. The bottom line as I see it is what is it worth to you, (or me) the buyer, to add it to your collection? My Dad always told me that if you see something that you want, and you can afford it without putting yourself in a bind, nail it.

Yesterday I noted that Chris Morales has his neck in a noose once again. This man has more education in regards to forensic science than most FBI agents, yet from what I read he isn't getting it done, and I feel sorry for the guy. But then I have also read accounts of how he had been set up by more prominent authenticators with less knowledge and/or ability for whatever reason, and that really bothers me. I consider that worse than attempting to pass a forgery.

If I remembered the website I saw this on, I would include it here, but unfortunately, I don't. If I can locate it, I will provide it later. Someone had several sports items authenticated by James Spence of PSA. Each item (5 or 6 as I recall) was deemed authentic, and stickers adhered to each. The items were then submitted to Chris Morales who also authenticated them, and his stickers were also affixed. Several years later the items were presented to James Spence once again. This time his stickers were removed beforehand, while Morales' stickers were still intact. According to the article, Spence was quoted as saying "Morales will pass anything." Not recalling that he had passed these same items years ago, Spence promptly failed all of them this time.

I don't doubt this story for a second. Autograph authenticators render nothing more than an opinion, period. They can very easily blow a call. I lost trust in them when one of PSA's top men said that 11 of the 12 items that I submitted "could not be authenticated at this time." That was a polite way of saying that they were not authentic, which I had a problem with since I witnessed 6 of them being signed at The Annual Convention at Anaheim in 2000 or 2001.

Sometimes it's tough to make a call when you see an autograph that you know is fake, but you want it so bad that you try to talk yourself out of believing it. If there is the slightest flaw, if it just doesn't look right, no matter how bad you want it, ya' gotta' let it go. I learned the hard way.

Jim Hallowes here and I have been a movie buff, director member of the Directors Guild of America since 1984 and I'm a voting member of the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (The EMMYs). I'm also a long time autograph collector, back before it was such a business like it is today. Here are some photos and samples in case you have an interest. I'm selling my home and want to sell much, if not all, of my autograph collection, including: John Wayne, Richard Nixon, Ronald and Nancy Reagan, Orson Welles, Louis B. Mayer, Gregory Peck, John Belushi, it's easier to say who I don';t have. I have personally collected on set the autographed script from the final show of the iconic TV series M*A*S*H, also the signed "Pilot" script for "The Sopranos," etc., etc.
A little walk down my autograph, and movie memorabilia, collection, memory lane.... in case it's too small, starting with Don Ameche and a very young me. Durante, long time friend and Academy Award nominated actor Tom Berenger (back when he was still an airline steward for Eastern flying to Puerto Rico) Orson Welles (I did the Paul Masson "We will sell no wine before its time" TV campaign with him), Ali, Reagan, Orson again, Jay Leno, with Warren Beatty on the "Bugsy" set, worked many years with Dolly Parton, Foreman, Justine Bateman, Evel Kinevel, Magic Johnson, more Dolly, Chuck Heston, Dizzy Gillespie, and Drew Carey.
Here's a link to a video Ronald Reagan dod for my parent's 50th Wedding Anniversary and they'll be celebrating their 73 in August! 
And here's me working with a drunk Orson Welles on a Paul Masson Wine TV commercial shoot I did: http://www.jimhallowes.com/VID-PaulMassonVideo.html
Jim Hallowes 310-390-4767 or Jim@HighlySensitivePeople.com

The Orson Welles thumbnail looks fantastic!


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