On December 2, Julien's Auctions is selling The Collection of Tompkins and Bush. The collection contains 465 lots of Michael Jackson memorabilia, 287 of them autographed.

Michael Bush and the late Dennis Tompkins were Michael Jackson's costume designers for 25 years, during Jackson's most successful period. They were the consignors of the signed Thriller jacket that Julien's sold for $1,800,000 in June 2011.

Almost all of the autographs in the Tompkins and Bush sale are a variation I'm not familiar with. I've only been looking at Jackson's autograph for a few years, though, and we have members here who have collected him for decades, so I'd appreciate your input and exemplars.

If you know Michael Jackson's autograph well, please look at a few images below from the auction and let me know what you think. Even better, browse the auction and upload any similar examples you have: http://www.julienslive.com/view-auctions/catalog/id/77/

Julien's is the world's premier auction house for Michael Jackson memorabilia, so they would know his autograph better than most of us. I'm just surprised I haven't seen this style before.

Thanks for your help.

Tags: 2012, Julien's, auction, michael jackson, tompkins and bush

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Wow...thanks! And LOL...

Well I feel better. ;)

Nite Wendy.

For you Steve

"You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life." Winston Churchill

TM777...thank you!

I love that quote and think about it often. I recently said it to a friend on the UK, who is fighting a different battle...but also involving fake Michael Jackson autographs.

You made my night.

On the contrary, you made ours, and by that i know i speak for many of us, you gave us a venue, a voice, when you wrote me and pointed out how serious this matter was, and would not take it up, wanted to speak to Darren to resolve it privately,, i hoped you would do the right thing, and you did, there are not many left in this world like you,, Sadly Michael spent his entire life healing the world, he tried and tried but it fell on so many deaf ears,, Thank you Sir, and may God bless you, Lots of love

BTW, Debbie MichaelJoe Jackson is still a member here. I hope she comes back. I loved that video of her jumping up and down at the Julian's sale over that lot she eventually bought. I'm no expert, but I think that most Julian's stuff, particularly the unsigned, is properly represented, and they connect with fans like no one else around. They build relationships with fans like few auction houses do. 

Manu, it's fun to know that this person is a friend of Darren Julien and MLB, it can say what want, the problem remains the same are false autograph.

There is no MAFIA here. What happens is this, we see fake autographs, on any website or auction, and we speak up. That's it. No more, no less. And those selling the fakes want to either sweep it under the rug, insult us by treating us like we're children, or threatening us with lawsuits. I personally use my own name, and hide from noone, and I'm threatened by people on ebay all the time. Oh well, that's the life of an honest collector.

You said it, Travis. You need to hang out here more. There have been many times I've wished we've had your input on an autograph.

Anyone remember the fake "Hitler Diaries?"  Was going to be sold by a famous auction house, it had many so called "experts" believing they were real.  Problem was, it was a poor forgery and was exposed.  Hopefully history will repeat itself and all these fake Michael Jackson autographs will be pulled.

We might not stop the sale, but I think this will be a watershed event.
We (MJ fans) really couldn't care less about who doesn't get along with who in the autograph business.
We noticed the forgeries ourselves first and then found our way here for back-up, not the other way around.
We aren't on anyone's side and against the other side in the autograph industry.
You all have history...we get it...but we don't care.
God knows we have had history between ourselves following Michael too, but we work together on important issues and have put differences between us behind us long ago.
That "Debbie Michaeljoe Jackson" crackpot had lost the point!
Just because so-and-so doesn't get along with so-and-so doesn't make the autographs any less FAKE.

Agreed, Sandy.

We fight forgeries. That makes us lots of enemies.


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