Monty Python Signed poster programme Palin Jones Cleese Innes

Hello All,

I'm trying to authenticate this signed Monty Python first farewell programme / poster as I'm looking to hopefully sell it eventually. I obtained it from a friend who attended the Drury Lane show and got it signed afterwards (no Eric idle or Graham chapman though) Michael Palin, John Cleese, Terry Jones and Neil Innes. The Cleese looks a bit odd but it appears the pen wasn't working well. It is also a bit creased and generally tatty!

Thanks all.

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I moved your discussion to the 'Is This Autograph Real" forum.

Hello Steve,

Thank you, I'm really sorry I thought that was where I posted it!


Here’s a legit Cleese from my collection:

Given the provenance, what the signatures are on and the general look of the item, this has to be right. If you want to compare to a set obtained by me at the Theatre Royal in Norwich have a look at this link:


Thank you very much for your reply. I appreciate it and your examples (very nice set), I had no reason to doubt them really but just wanted to check, it's a shame he didn't get the others though.

Thank you for your time,


The signatures all look okay to me and rushed examples but good. 

Hello Dan,

Thank you very much, I know they were rushed so that figures, its a shame about the Cleese one, it looks as if the pen was failing to start with and on a dodgy surface.

Best regards,



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