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We now have a Musician-Direct Autograph Sales Forum where you can post individual discussions of new offerings. It's a big change—and a big improvement. We closed this discussion after 8 years but it will always be available to read. 

The new system has been in place for 2 months now and it's working well.

This video shows you how easy the new forum is to use.

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Steve Cyrkin


Though I recall a member posting a blog asking about this a while ago, I could not relocate it for my purpose in this discussion.

It can be nice when one stumbles upon a musician's shop (via their website), to see that they are selling their autographs. I figured this could grow as a wee database for listing those musicians who partake in this.

I recently recieved a couple press photos signed in ballpoint from John Mayall's website (http://www.johnmayall.com/merch.html). I am also aware that you can purchase signed CDs from Peter Noone of Herman's Hermits(http://peternoone.com/store/). John 5 ( formerly Marilyn Manson, Rob Zombie guitarist) sells various items signed, with an option to dedicate.


So, does anyone else know of this being done by other musicians?

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I'll have to see if I still have the receipt. I more than likely threw it away since I cant return an open cd anyway but I'll double check. Would the UPC number be any different or help any? I kept the plastic wrap from it too. I ordered a few more copies that will be here Wednesday I'll see if any more are signed. I'll have the receipt for those when they arrive and will make sure and keep it if any are signed. I kind of wondered if they did one signed copy per store. Or maybe its just completely random but hopefully the website has some too.

I attached a pic of the back of the CD cover if that helps any. Thats the one the signed poster came out of. 

Attachments: No photo uploads here

Finally received my Maren Morris signed booklet from Sanity. However, I ordered 2 and only received 1. I emailed them and they said they ran out and that sorry for the inconvenience. They really should know how many they have before selling them.

I can answer a little about it. Some times it really depends on how much free time the artist has to do them . So they might have good intentions to get one to every one but sometimes logistics change.  I dealt with a band and it took almost a year to complete the signing fo to being of the road. So management actually gave some free stuff in the packages to the people who waited the longest. But then again the secondary market on the original item was 400$ they were being resold for so everyone was very happy to wait and yes the item retiniand its value.  Also do forget the artist could be in rehab or jail so that could also be a problem 

Is it possible to open up a new thread with discussions about Musicians who sell... It is just annoying to read dozens of I received this and I havn't received that. I can't imagine who could car what everyone got all I want to know and what I expect from this thread is to know who is selling what no more and no less.

Good idea - I like to know who has or hasn't received items or what they have received- so i know who to steer clear of in the Future..... as there is an ever increasing number of us all waiting for months and months or even years for  Signed items - For them Never to arrive or are Autopenned....

I get what you're saying, but I do think that quality feedback is relevant. If a company has poor customer service, or, especially, if an item is of poor quality or questionable authenticity, that's important information. I'm not sure that separating that into another thread would make it easier to follow.

Rich you are 100% right. I am talking mire about the non quality commends like "... ordered one too" "havn't receiced mine yet... " etc

This topic comes up every 6 months or so. I would agree that this thread has moved away from its initial intent. Just as my comment now will flood the inboxes of all following (I apologize), most of the comments made arent just one off comments about the quality but rather turn into entire conversations. We could have another thread for feedback and pictures for those that care and leave this thread the way it was meant to be which was a quick way to let people know of available deals. I, like others, get tired of checking my email at work and other inopportune times thinking I may otherwise be missing out on a good find only to find its yet another comment about what someone else thinks of pledgemusic or the like. 

I guess we could try to limit the filler (myself included). When something risks going too far off course (ie. Pledge music, significant authenticity concerns on a particular product, etc) we could likewise post links to new threads that can send the bulk of that traffic to a new section.

Agree strongly that there should be another thread for discussion, but if we’re going to do it we need to go all the way with it. This thread for notifications *only*, and everything else on another thread. This will be very easy for people to follow. If we allow this thread to be notifications plus some discussion, then it will actually be more difficult to follow. 

To make sure everyone understands our point - we subscribe to email updates on this thread, and when we get emails we expect/want them to have news about something for sale. But nowadays we probably get one email containing actual news for every 20 random comments. That’s a lot of our collective time wasted. We would rather visit a separate discussion thread at our leisure.

I'm not convinced we should go "all the way." Filler comments should be limited, but feedback connected to the original topic can certainly be relevant. If the person risks getting a forgery, autopen, a supbar quality autograph or not getting their item at all, I don't think something should be posted without that information attached. 

Not every email on this forum is relevant to everyone - I get it. The vast majority of items listed here are things I don't care about at all and have no interest in purchasing. I just delete the email and move on.

In a perfect world I would agree with you. I think the problem will be where do we draw the line on what kinds of filler comments are allowed, and how is that moderated. It’s all so subjective. We all definitely want to continue discussing all of the issues you mention as they are important, we just want that discussion to happen on a discussion-only counterpart to this thread.


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