How about an ongoing thread to highlight the new additions to your collection?

Whether it's a through-the-mail freebie or a big buck acquisition... it's all good. Show us what you got!

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Happy New Year!

First pickup of 2025. Early Robert Downey Jr.

Thought I'd share a few I received lately. Im taking a break from purchasing autographs for a while after going a bit crazy the last few months. I made some big purchases including a couple Madonna signed letters from her children's book which were pretty expensive. Out of many, These 3 stand out as my favorites 

First is a signed script I received direct from one of the shows producers Erin Braun along with her Crew jacket and messenger bag. Im in the process of framing it. Its roughly framed now but I might change it up a bit still. This is huge for us since King of Queens was the only show my wife and I would watch on TV while we were dating. We still binge on it a few times a year. So many great memories are connected to this show for us.

Next is an Eddie Van Halen signed ticket stub I won at auction. I already have another Van Halen (Hagar era) group item signed but this one is so awesome as a stand-alone item. 

The last one im posting was obtained very cheap. The seller listed it as a reproduction but stated it was a gift to crew members. Im still trying to verify this info but the signatures look good and it is definitely live ink. Some great names including Morgan Freeman and Owen Wilson for only $55. With this cast, you would think the movie would be awesome. Im not too keen on it but it deserves another viewing. Im hoping it will grow on me. 

Sterling Morrison (The Velvet Underground) — United States Coast Guard Master Mariner’s License, dated 9 March 1988, 9 3/4” x 8 3/8”, signed to the rear with his legal name of Holmes S. Morrison Jr.:

In the late 1970s, Sterling famously began working part time on tugboats in the Houston Ship Canal. When he lost his job as a Teaching Assistant at the University of Texas, he started working full time for G&H Towing, eventually qualifying as a Master Mariner (a captain to you and me).

Galaxie 500’s beautiful song “Tugboat” was inspired by this period of Sterling’s life.

Just picked up this nice Reagan signed Reagan Library photo (180/250). 

Early Dolly Parton.

Recently added...Sheffield and Granderson 

Love Dolly Parton... She is a darling...

And the autograph is a rarer, smooth one....

You have some awesome pieces in your collection, Mr. Seah... 

Recently added to my collection...Gary Sheffield and Curtis Granderson 

Gilbert & George:

I've been dithering about this one for a while now but finally pulled the trigger and I couldn't be happier!

Quality item although I was a bit confused about the references to football in the listing.

Figure it will be an easy flip at Easter.

Met Stuart Murdoch last night at his book reading for his wonderful new “auto-fiction”, Nobody’s Empire. In addition to signing my publisher’s advance proof as “Rod” Stuart Murdoch (a reference from the book of him using a Rod Stewart fan club card as ID to get into an early Galaxie 500 gig), he also signed my OG UK pressing of Tigermilk. A truly charming encounter.


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