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I know she wasn’t a celebrity, but she might have become one.  She may have become an iconic music star or a world famous actress.  She might have become a celebrated author.  Perhaps she would have become a medical doctor or researcher and found a definitive cure for hiv or cancer.  Who knows...maybe she would have become the first female president of the United States!  Or maybe she would have been a really great wife and mother.  If her future was as bright as her smile, she was destined for greatness.  

But neither we nor her devastated, loving family will ever know because 20-year-old Mollie Tibbetts’ life was stolen from her by a monster.  What we do know, at least by the accounts of those who knew her well, she was a caring, special young woman who will never be forgotten.  

I thought I would post this because Mollie’s non-famous life was every bit as important as the lives of all the celebrities that we admire.  It’s just heartbreaking that such a young, promising life was taken from the world far too soon.  So Rest In Peace, Mollie Tibbetts.  We are thinking of you.

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it is heartbreaking and infuriating at the same time


Thank you for posting this, very well said.  RIP Mollie.

Very sad, a victim of somebody who entered the country illegally. Of course he doesn't remember how he killed her. Some states might resume putting people to death soon. They have come up with a new cocktail of drugs to put these animals down.

Although I like the reason behind you posting this, not sure if the Autograph site is where I come to for things like this. I read news sites for things like that. I like to come here and enjoy the escape of....hearing autograph stories. Looking at the latest set of fake Beatles signatures. Things like that. Otherwise, we might all start posting other things -- politicians we hate, laws we hate, etc.

First off, many members, including me, over time have posted “RIP” discussions for various celebrities that have passed away...without any mention of autographs.  And as I noted above, Mollie Tibbetts’s life was every bit as important as that of any celebrity that I can think of.  So if we are going to post tributes to lost celebs, I can’t think of a reason why not to post a tribute to the life of a young woman whose life was stolen from her and whose tragic story captivated much of America.  

Furthermore, we’ve even posted solidarity with our friends from other countries when terrorist attacks have occurred...obviously tragic stories unrelated to autographs.

A few weeks ago I asked Steve Cyrkin if it was okay to post non-political discussions not directly related to autographs.  He said it was and that Town Square was the forum to do it in.  

‘And finally, as you can see, several members are glad I posted this recognition of Mollie’s life.  Her future looked as bright as her smile until it was savagely interrupted.  And honestly, I’d love to have her autograph.

yes and it is worth noting here also the greatness of those who made a career of speaking for those who have no voices, are not celebs , are well below middle class, but who are without doubt the wellspring of humanity.  Who does such things?people like gandi, mother teresa -yes their signatures have value for obvious reasons because good moral work is as valuable as entertainment.  I wonder  who are today's ghandi's and Mother Teresa's?

Okay. Then, nobody get butt-hurt when someone posts "She'd be alive, if you all let President Trump stay strict about illegal immigrants in this country."

See what I mean? Anything can go south quick, and if we just start posting things like this EVERY. TIME. SOMEBODY. DIES.  It...because a website for dying/dead people. The reason people post about celebs that die is...so others will know, or to possibly share "autograph" stories about them. Sure, many times nobody does that, we just talk about the work they did that we liked.

But...whatever floats your boat. 

Thank you.

All very true.  Well, he’s one illegal alien who won’t have to worry about being deported.  He’s even going to get free housing for the next 70 years or so.

Well I'm going to side with Josh here.

But... From experience, general discussion groups usually always go sideways.
Did anyone know this girl? The TV news always sensationalized a victim.
Yes its a tragic story and great the killer was caught.
But no one knows how her life could have turned out. Maybe she would have been another street junkie. But odds are she would have been another person living a mundane life in America.

Ive heard more tragic stories in my travels that it would make the average working stiff TV news watching person's head explode.

Thats my input, like it or not...

And if people can't accept an opposing opinion on a public forum then... Well... That's just too damn bad


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