If your a full time flipper how do you find time for anything thing else besides flipping?lol or you just flip 40 hours a week for your job with weekends off?ilol just curious because I'm a collector I've never flipped anything I collect and trade and give gifts to my family and friends for birthdays holidays etc
Full time flipper is my new id i selected about 3 weeks ago after some flack for suggesting limits of one or two items should be set on orders to allow more time for more people to get a hold of items before they sell out in bulk only to re appear on e bay ,its suppose to be ironic ,perhaps thats my british humour
anyway thanks
I like your name!
You’re absolutely right… The Eminem signed action figures were $313 with a limit of 3, sold out in seconds, sold out before I could check out, and then I had to spend $700 on eBay…
if the limits were like Newbury (sometimes they limit one per household) then it’s more of a fair deal for all instead of what we have now…
Twenty One Pilots sold out three times, and all three times they’re albums have been posted for $100 to $200 which is crazy! Yes, I understand making a profit, I don’t understand why some people need to make 1000% sometimes
I would have bought 3 eminems too if I had that type of money to dish out of action figures.
I understand why people do it, I just understand the need to earn $600 just because you clicked faster than a real fan? You know?
I managed to get one signed (for twice the price) and the other two unsigned
I missed the signed ones also but bagged a set of the unsigned so that’s good enough
I’m one these guys who has the Dresden Brick so I can never moan :)
I was on the page seconds after it was released.. didnt care for it, I dont need a piece of cardboard or plastic signed attached to a kids toy.. besides, im not here to make money.. once you start doing that, the magic of obtaining autographs goes away
I thought you became a dolphin who likes autographs.. if ppl gan change genders these days, why not species.. I dont judge..
Elton doesn’t seem to like signing much lol
The Sheeran signed CDs have started to ship. No notice on my Elton signed order yet.
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