$799 CAD (about $575 USD)
How on earth would you know that?
If true, my grandfather also had alzheimers. He always showed signs it was coming in his 70s but ramped up hard in his early 80s. We always tried to test him, drawing a clock, remembering words for a few minutes, asking him random questions meant for a toddler, and the big one - signing his name. His signature was always the easiest test. We stopped testing him around 85 years old because he just refused completely. Passed away at 87. Everyone is different but based on what ive seen, if this info is true, his signature will become shaky but it wouldn't stop him. They may use it as a form of therapy.
Edit: actually the thing that would stop him would be loss of attention, we did not have my grandfather sign a hundred signatures at a time. I imagine that would be much more difficult, I could see it making him frustrated and angry maybe after 20 early on, then at most 5 on the days he is willing, and then maybe 1.. he would never forget how, but again, everyone is different and you just never really know
Can I just point out the guy is on tour? That seems highly incompatible with dementia.
I agree with this, but still too many unknowns. To me, it doesn't make sense unless he himself sees that he is becoming a burden on his family and wants to make a decision in order to make sure his family doesn't take on the responsibility of his care as it progresses. He's still a smart guy so I can see that happening but at this point, I remain skeptical
I am definitely skeptical how someone outside of the family would know this aside from rumors and gossip.. we all know that usually leads to misinformation. However, Alzheimers is pretty common. In reality, there are too many variables still. You are right, he is touring.. regardless, alzheimers usually progresses slowly. I wouldnt use this info any differently than just knowing he's an 81 year old man to begin with. He's on deaths doorstep, but for now he's busy singing to everyone from the front porch before entering that door.
Fake news to inflate the value of the book. Calling it.
Total b*******. I belong to every Dylan group/message board you could think of and there are zero rumors. He's on tour now and doing great. What a weird and terrible thing to lie about.
this thread is becoming a non related Dylan book thread so let us get back on the subject. After contacting Indigo support they are confirming orders but the inventory has not been received yet to them. I really hope they do materialize each and every order that was placed but I am thinking that when they ll receive their inventory (I assume it wont be an Indigo exclusive so they wont receive much) that they ll start cancelling orders.
It would be nice to know how many they sold and are actually getting as I can't see Bob signing more than 250 tbh if at all anywhere near that amount!
Same. I'm curious to see how many were even sold before it was posted on this forum. I really do hope that all of the orders placed here will be filled. I'm assuming we should hear more answers in the next few weeks since the publishing date is November 1st.
Does seem odd he'd sign that many... also odd these haven't popped up anywhere else yet considering the release date is in about 2 weeks. Maybe he did only sign for Indigo but seems like a weird choice. Bob is a mysterious man though. Lol.
Indigo has a lot of pull (they were able to get Sally Field in for her only Canadian appearance, AFAIK)... but not that much pull, lol. There have to be other stores carrying this.
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