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Take some time and read the DiMaggio/Mantle/Williams thread. You'll learn a lot. As for the Mantle you should try and get a refund ASAP and let them know it's 100% garbage. Hopefully they destroy it.

Excellent advice, Ryan.

It takes a long time to acquire a trained eye so be patient.  I learn something new a few times a week about autographs.  It's an ongoing learning process.

I will probably stare at this all night trying to see where it's wrong.

Is it the le on Mantle?

Or the c in Mickey?

I'm going to read this thread now. . .

Thank you for the advise, I will definately read the thread you mention.

And I will be contacting the company tomorrow, I just bought this yesterday. So I will get my money back. Or take the loss and burn it. I hate the thought of it getting back out there and someone paying hundreds for it.

I just finished reading the DiMaggio/Mantle/Williams thread. A very interesting article. It's very interesting and I am understanding why it takes years to learn how you can spot a fake so quickly as you have on my post today.

It's sad really when you think about all these forgeries out there of Mantle, Williams and Joe. They are such great icons, they as well as the collectors deserve better than this.

Anyway, I'm destroying the photo myself with my shredder. The family from the estate sale needed the money for their loved one they lost, and I will just let it be. They hoped it was a real signature and I don't want to dishearten them anymore.

I am so glad I found this website, after today I'm more interested than ever to learn more. I will keep studying this Mantle signature tonight. I did turn it upside down and examine the steps listed. It's still hard to see it though.

Rest assured, there is one less fake Mantle autograph out there.

You don't even have to look at this one upside down Edy. Just start getting together a folder of authentic Micks and stare at them a little each day. Also start a "fake" folder and start adding the fakes we post to it. Study both. You'll start catching on.

I'm definitely going to do this. When I began this today, I had no idea there was so much of this going on. 

This has been a real eye opener for me. While I am enjoying learning about the Mickey Mantle signature, I'm also disappointed at the same time. These companies producing these fakes, taking these legendary people who have contributed to our history of events and mucked it up.

I will always look at collecting autographs in such a different perspective now. 

Was the estate sale run directly by the family or was there an outside company running the estate sale?

The reason I ask is this.

The Mantle is a common forgery style produced by a forgery ring in Florida. Chances are the Mattingly and Pujols are from the same source. What we have seen is "estate sale companies" salting auctions with this junk -- they obtain these fakes and mix them in with actual items from the estate.

Amazing how many modern, mass-produced fakes show up in "estates."

This is disgusting. Estate sales going in on this.

This estate sale was not run by a company, it was a family in need and a church helped out. Members of the church ran the estate sale for the family. It was a very small event, just one day. I don't feel it was a part of this Florida mess. The family felt that he bought them off Craig's List, they said he bought things off Craig's List all the time. 

That explains it. Craigslist is a major distribution point for these types of fakes. At least it's not a situation with the estate auction company being part of the problem.

Yes I agree, I don't like Craig's List. I never bought anything from it. I get such a creepy feeling from it when I read some of the posts. No Thank You.



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