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Usual UK bundles required to obtain a cd sized card ,whoever chose the lp cover photo and the lp design needs shooting ,its horrible 

Yeah I'm going to hold off and see if it comes up elsewhere. I don't want another cassette...

Assai obi ,Blood records ,Banquet etc yeah im not laying out good money 3 months upfront for the promise of a cd sized artcard when we all know theres better to come 

Was able to add the signed cards as separate free items and just pay for the shipping, but they've caught on and corrected, today: 

"We're sorry to have to inform you but the Beabadoobee signed art cards you ordered yesterday were not meant to be available for free and are only available as part of the bundles. We will be cancelling your order over the next week."

Newbury just restocked her last album with a signed booklet if anyone is interested in that one

BEABADOOBEE beatopia CD (Autographed)


Out of stock now, must not have had many

Now on Amazon no need to buy a bundle - https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B0D3NPW22B/

Great spot, thank you! Bea doesn’t have a particularly lengthy/exciting signature, so this is a great way to have one too :)

Well, she really went all out.

Well, extras for sale if anyone particularly wants that signature.


Astonishingly, these have sold rather quickly too… I guess I was right when I said she doesn’t have a particularly lengthy/exciting signature above, but this is even worse than I’d thought! Hopefully the personally signed will still look nice and make up for it! 


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